John D. Lees-Miller
John D. Lees-Miller
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Theoretical maximum capacity as benchmark for empty vehicle redistribution in personal rapid transit
JD Lees-Miller, JC Hammersley, RE Wilson
Transportation research record 2146 (1), 76-83, 2010
Minimising average passenger waiting time in personal rapid transit systems
JD Lees-Miller
Annals of Operations Research 236, 405-424, 2016
Proactive empty vehicle redistribution for personal rapid transit and taxis
JD Lees-Miller, RE Wilson
Transportation Planning and Technology 35 (1), 17-30, 2012
Ride sharing in personal rapid transit capacity planning
J Lees-Miller, J Hammersley, N Davenport
Automated People Movers 2009: Connecting People, Connecting Places …, 2009
Does wikipedia information help netflix predictions?
J Lees-Miller, F Anderson, B Hoehn, R Greiner
2008 Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2008
Sampling for Personal Rapid Transit Empty Vehicle Redistribution
JD Lees-Miller, RE Wilson
On the estimation of temporal mileage rates
RE Wilson, J Anable, S Cairns, T Chatterton, S Notley, JD Lees-Miller
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 80, 139-156, 2013
Empty vehicle redistribution for personal rapid transit
JD Lees-Miller
University of Bristol, 2011
Hidden markov models for vehicle tracking with bluetooth
J Lees-Miller, RE Wilson, S Box
A holistic approach for performance assessment of personal rapid transit
M Mascia, S Hu, K Han, A Sun, R North, JD Lees-Miller
Research in transportation business & management 18, 70-76, 2016
Collaborative editing
J Hammersley, J Lees-Miller
US Patent 9,729,672, 2017
Overleaf: Scientific writing and publishing in the age of the cloud
JD Lees-Miller
PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2015, 2015
Merging SaaS Products In A User-Centered Way—A Case Study of Overleaf and ShareLaTeX
P Reis, JD Lees-Miller, S Laqua
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2021
ORCID iD throughput in publishing workflows
L Haak, P Donohoe, V Kiermer, H Atkins, J Lees-Miller, C Raybould
Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2016 [Internet], 2016
30 cars, figure of 8, 1 show: large scale proving ground experiments to investigate junction control
S Box, J Lees-Miller, J Snowdon, J Hammond, A Hamilton, S Gupta, ...
Chauffeur braking
T Armour, D Allwright, C Cawthorn, C Dent, J Dewynne, J Fehribach, ...
Research in Transportation Business & Management
M Mascia, S Hu, K Han, A Sun, R North, JD Lees-Miller
Better Junction Control with Bus Priority
H Aufderheide, A Colombo, T Elson, J Lees-Miller, S Lim, K Rock, ...
Sampling for Personal Rapid Transit Empty Vehicle Redistribution
RE Wilson, JD Lees-Miller
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Articles 1–20