Ameenulla J Ali
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Cited by
An experimental study on the impact of human body shadowing in off-body communications channels at 2.45 GHz
SL Cotton, A McKernan, AJ Ali, WG Scanlon
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation …, 2011
The effect of human-body shadowing on indoor UWB TOA-based ranging systems
Y Kiliç, AJ Ali, A Meijerink, MJ Bentum, WG Scanlon
2012 9th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 126-130, 2012
Spatial diversity for off-body communications in an indoor populated environment at 5.8 GHz
AJ Ali, SL Cotton, WG Scanlon
2009 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, 641-644, 2009
Pedestrian effects in indoor UWB off-body communication channels
AJ Ali, WG Scanlon, SL Cotton
2010 Loughborough antennas & propagation conference, 57-60, 2010
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Articles 1–4