Sheila Kinsella
Cited by
Cited by
" I'm eating a sandwich in Glasgow" modeling locations with tweets
S Kinsella, V Murdock, N O'Hare
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Search and mining user …, 2011
Searching and browsing linked data with swse: The semantic web search engine
A Hogan, A Harth, J Umbrich, S Kinsella, A Polleres, S Decker
Journal of web semantics 9 (4), 365-401, 2011
Using naming authority to rank data and ontologies for web search
A Harth, S Kinsella, S Decker
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2009: 8th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2009
Locating a user based on aggregated tweet content associated with a location
V Murdock, S Kinsella
US Patent 8,478,701, 2013
Topic classification in social media using metadata from hyperlinked objects
S Kinsella, A Passant, JG Breslin
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 201-206, 2011
Implementing semantic web applications: reference architecture and challenges
B Heitmann, S Kinsella, C Hayes, S Decker
SWESE 2009 16, 2009
An interactive map of semantic web ontology usage
S Kinsella, U Bojars, A Harth, JG Breslin, S Decker
2008 12th International Conference Information Visualisation, 179-184, 2008
Improving categorisation in social media using hyperlinks to structured data sources
S Kinsella, M Wang, JG Breslin, C Hayes
The Semanic Web: Research and Applications: 8th Extended Semantic Web …, 2011
The future of social web sites: Sharing data and trusted applications with semantics
S Kinsella, A Passant, JG Breslin, S Decker, A Jaokar
Advances in Computers 76, 121-175, 2009
Applications of Semantic Web methodologies and techniques to social networks and social websites
S Kinsella, JG Breslin, A Passant, S Decker
Reasoning Web: 4th International Summer School 2008, Venice, Italy …, 2008
From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and back- how did your grandma use to tag?
S Kinsella, A Budura, G Skobeltsyn, S Michel, JG Breslin, K Aberer
Proceedings of the 10th ACM workshop on Web information and data management …, 2008
Navigating and annotating semantically-enabled networks of people and associated objects
S Kinsella, A Harth, A Troussov, M Sogrin, J Judge, C Hayes, JG Breslin
Why Context Matters: Applications of Social Network Analysis, 79-96, 2008
Locating a user based on aggregated tweet content associated with a location
V Murdock, S Kinsella
US Patent 9,172,666, 2015
Using hyperlinks to enrich message board content with Linked Data
S Kinsella, A Passant, JG Breslin
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on semantic systems, 1-9, 2010
The weighted interests vocabulary 0.5
D Brickley, L Miller, T Inkster, Y Zeng, Y Wang, D Damljanovic, Z Huang, ...
Namespace document, Sourceforge (September 2010), 2010
Social people-tagging vs. social bookmark-tagging
P Nasirifard, S Kinsella, K Samp, S Decker
Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses: 17th International …, 2010
Ten years of hyperlinks in online conversations
S Kinsella, A Passant, J Breslin
Network analysis of semantic connections in heterogeneous social spaces
S Kinsella, A Harth, JG Breslin
UK Social Network Conference 2007 Contents, 28, 2007
Searching and browsing linked data with SWSE
A Harth, A Hogan, J Umbrich, S Kinsella, S Decker, A Polleres
Semantic Search over the Web, 361-414, 2012
Topdis: Tensor-based ranking for data search and navigation
A Harth, S Kinsella
Tech. rep., DERI (6 2009), 2009
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Articles 1–20