Professor Jill Clark
Professor Jill Clark
Professor of Participatory Research and Visual Methods, Newcastle University
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Building bridges: Understanding student transition to university
ARJ Briggs, J Clark, I Hall
Quality in Higher Education 18 (1), 1-19, 2012
A PIL for every ill? Patient information leaflets (PILs): a review of past, present and future use.
T Kenny, RG Wilson, IN Purves, J Clark Sr, LD Newton, DP Newton, ...
Family practice 15 (5), 471-479, 1998
Pictures are necessary but not sufficient: Using a range of visual methods to engage users about school design
P Woolner, J Clark, E Hall, L Tiplady, U Thomas, K Wall
Learning Environments Research 13, 1-22, 2010
Using diamond ranking as visual cues to engage young people in the research process
J Clark
Qualitative Research Journal 12 (2), 222-237, 2012
Participatory research with children and young people: Philosophy, possibilities and perils
J Clark
Action Research Expeditions 4, 1-18, 2004
Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research
J Clark, K Laing, L Tiplady, P Woolner
AHRC: Newcastle University, 2013
Transformation in interdisciplinary research methodology: the importance of shared experiences in landscapes of practice
J Clark, K Laing, D Leat, R Lofthouse, U Thomas, L Tiplady, P Woolner
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 40 (3), 243-256, 2017
Changing spaces: Preparing students and teachers for a new learning environment
P Woolner, J Clark, K Laing, U Thomas, L Tiplady
Children, Youth and Environments 22 (1), 52-74, 2012
A school tries to change: How leaders and teachers understand changes to space and practices in a UK secondary school
P Woolner, J Clark, K Laing, U Thomas, L Tiplady
Improving Schools 17 (2), 148-162, 2014
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 3 Evaluation: Year Two Report
S Higgins, K Wall, V Baumfield, E Hall, D Leat, P Woolner, DM Lofthouse, ...
London: Campaign for Learning. Available at: http://www. campaignforlearning …, 2006
Young people as researchers: Possibilities, problems and politics
J Clark, A Dyson, N Meagher, E Robson, M Wootten
Leicester: National Youth Agency, 2001
Multimodal three‐dimensional visualization enhances novice learner interpretation of basic cross‐sectional anatomy
A Ben Awadh, J Clark, G Clowry, ID Keenan
Anatomical sciences education 15 (1), 127-142, 2022
Early Language Delays in the UK.
J Law, L Todd, J Clark, M Mroz, J Carr
Save the Children., 2013
Housing and schooling A case-study in joined-up problems
J Clark, A Dyson, A Millward
Designing for formative assessment: A toolkit for teachers
D Wright, J Clark, L Tiplady
Classroom Assessment in Mathematics, 207-228, 2018
Patient information leaflets: producing understandable PILs
L Newton, D Newton, J Clark, T Kenny, D Moseley, I Purves, R Wilson
Journal of information science 24 (3), 167-181, 1998
Learning to Learn in schools Phase 3 Evaluation Year 1 final report
S Higgins, K Wall, C Falzon, E Hall, D Leat, DM Lofthouse, J Miller, ...
London, Campaign for Learning(see http://www. campaignforlearning. org. uk …, 2005
Bridging the Gap: project report on student transition
ARJ Briggs, J Clark, I Hall
Newcastle University, UK. Available online at: http://www. ncl. ac. uk/cflat …, 2009
Co-production with young people to tackle alcohol misuse
J Clark, K Laing
Drugs and Alcohol Today 18 (1), 17-27, 2018
Focusing on the individual while ignoring the context: an evaluation of an attendance project
P Easen, J Clark, M Wootten
Newcastle University, 1997
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Articles 1–20