Lilli Pretorius
Lilli Pretorius
Professor of Linguistics, University of South Africa
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Cited by
Reading ability and academic performance in South Africa: Are we fiddling while Rome is burning?
EJ Pretorius
Language Matters: Studies in the Languages of Southern Africa 33 (1), 169-196, 2002
Playing football without a ball: language, reading and academic performance in a high‐poverty school
EJ Pretorius, DM Mampuru
Journal of Research in Reading 30 (1), 38-58, 2007
Exploring relationships between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension amongst English second language readers in South Africa
EJ Pretorius, N Spaull
Reading and Writing 29, 1449-1471, 2016
The socio-educational context of literacy accomplishment in disadvantaged schools: Lessons for reading in the early primary school years
EJ Pretorius, MP Machet
Journal for language teaching 38 (1), 45-62, 2004
Do the rich get richer and the poor poorer?: The effects of an intervention programme on reading in the home and school language in a high poverty multilingual context
EJ Pretorius, S Currin
International Journal of Educational Development 30 (1), 67-76, 2010
Reading skills and mathematics: the practice of higher education
CA Bohlmann, EJ Pretorius
South African Journal of Higher Education 16 (3), 196-206, 2002
Reading comprehension in South African schools: Are teachers getting it, and getting it right?
EJ Pretorius, NM Klapwijk
Per Linguam: a Journal of Language Learning= Per Linguam: Tydskrif vir …, 2016
Supporting transition or playing catch-up in Grade 4? Implications for standards in education and training
EJ Pretorius
Perspectives in Education 32 (1), 51-76, 2014
Reading in a disadvantaged high school: Issues of accomplishment, assessment and accountability
E Pretorius, R Ribbens
South African journal of education 25 (3), 139-147, 2005
" What they can't read will hurt them": reading and academic achievement
EJ Pretorius
Still falling at the first hurdle: Examining early grade reading in South Africa
N Spaull, E Pretorius
South African schooling: The enigma of inequality: A study of the present …, 2019
Reading comprehension in high-poverty schools: How should it be taught and how well does it work?
EJ Pretorius, M Lephalala
Per Linguam: a Journal of Language Learning= Per Linguam: Tydskrif vir …, 2011
Bilingual and biliterate? An exploratory study of Grade 8 reading skills in Setswana and English
DS Matjila, EJ Pretorius
Per Linguam: a Journal of Language Learning= Per Linguam: Tydskrif vir …, 2004
Reading and the Unisa student: Is academic performance related to reading ability?
EJ Pretorius
Progressio 22 (2), 35-48, 2000
Literacy and disadvantage: learners' achievements in the early primary school years
EJ Pretorius, MP Machet
Unisa Press 1 (1), 128-146, 2004
English as a second language learner differences in anaphoric resolution: Reading to learn in the academic context
EJ Pretorius
Applied Psycholinguistics 26 (4), 521-539, 2005
The comprehension of logical relations in expository texts by students who study through the medium of ESL
EJ Pretorius
System 34 (3), 432-450, 2006
Reading and applied linguistics-a deafening silence?
EJ Pretorius
Southern African linguistics and applied language studies 20 (1-2), 91-103, 2002
Relationships between mathematics and literacy: Exploring some underlying factors
C Bohlmann, E Pretorius
Pythagoras 2008 (1), 42-55, 2008
Putting reading in Northern Sotho on track in the early years: Changing resources, expectations and practices in a high poverty school
EJ Pretorius, MM Mokhwesana
South African Journal of African Languages 29 (1), 54-73, 2009
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Articles 1–20