Nicolas Dussex
Cited by
Cited by
Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics
S Feng, J Stiller, Y Deng, J Armstrong, QI Fang, AH Reeve, D Xie, G Chen, ...
Nature 587 (7833), 252-257, 2020
Bridging the conservation genetics gap by identifying barriers to implementation for conservation practitioners
HR Taylor, N Dussex N, Y van Heezik
Global Ecology and Conservation 10, 231–242, 2017
Population genomics of the critically endangered kākāpō
N Dussex, T van der Valk, HE Moralès, CW Wheat, D Díez del Molino, ...
Cell Genomics 1 (1), 1-12, 2021
The tuatara genome reveals ancient features of amniote evolution
NJ Gemmell, K Rutherford, S Prost, M Tollis, D Winter, JR Macey, ...
Nature 584 (7821), 403-409, 2020
Genomic insights into the conservation status of the world’s last remaining Sumatran rhinoceros populations
J Von Seth, N Dussex, D Díez-del-Molino, T Van Der Valk, VE Kutschera, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 2393, 2021
Ancient and modern genomes unravel the evolutionary history of the rhinoceros family
S Liu, MV Westbury, N Dussex, KJ Mitchell, MHS Sinding, PD Heintzman, ...
Cell 184 (19), 4874-4885. e16, 2021
Genome-Based Sexing Provides Clues about Behavior and Social Structure in the Woolly Mammoth
P Pečnerová, D Díez-del-Molino, N Dussex, T Feuerborn, J von Seth, ...
Current Biology 27 (22), 3505-3510, 2017
Diaspore traits discriminate good from weak colonisers on high-elevation summits
P Vittoz, N Dussex, J Wassef, A Guisan
Basic and Applied Ecology 10 (6), 508-515, 2009
Purging and accumulation of genetic load in conservation
N Dussex, HE Moralès, C Grossen, L Dalén, C van Oosterhout
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2023
Genome-wide SNPs reveal fine-scale differentiation among wingless alpine stonefly populations and introgression between winged and wingless forms
N Dussex, A Chuah, JM Waters
Evolution 70 (1), 38-47, 2016
Pre-extinction demographic stability and genomic signatures of adaptation in the woolly rhinoceros
E Lord, N Dussex, M Kierczak, D Díez-del-Molino, O Ryder, D Stanton, ...
Current Biology 30 (19), 3871-3879, 2020
Receding ice drove parallel expansions in Southern Ocean penguins
TL Cole, L Dutoit, N Dussex, T Hart, A Alexander, JL Younger, GV Clucas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (52), 26690-26696, 2019
European colonization, not Polynesian arrival, impacted population size and genetic diversity in the critically endangered New Zealand kākāpō
LM Bergner, N Dussex, IG Jamieson, BC Robertson
Journal of Heredity 107 (7), 593-602, 2016
Postglacial expansion and not human influence best explains the population structure in the endangered kea (Nestor notabilis)
N Dussex, D Wegmann, BC Robertson
Molecular Ecology 23 (9), 2193-2209, 2014
Ancient and Contemporary DNA Reveal a Pre-Human Decline but No Population Bottleneck Associated with Recent Human Persecution in the Kea (Nestor notabilis)
N Dussex, NJ Rawlence, BC Robertson
PLoS One 10 (2), e0118522, 2015
Genomic and fitness consequences of inbreeding in an endangered carnivore
M Hasselgren, N Dussex, J von Seth, A Angerbjörn, RA Olsen, L Dalén, ...
Molecular Ecology 30 (12), 2790-2799, 2021
Purifying Selection in Corvids Is Less Efficient on Islands
VE Kutschera, JW Poelstra, F Botero-Castro, N Dussex, NJ Gemmell, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (2), 469-474, 2019
Full Mitogenomes in the Critically Endangered Kakapo Reveal Major Post-Glacial and Anthropogenic Effects on Neutral Genetic Diversity
N Dussex, J von Seth, BC Robertson, L Dalén
Genes 9 (220), 2018
Moose genomes reveal past glacial demography and the origin of modern lineages
N Dussex, F Alberti, MT Heino, RA Olsen, T van der Valk, N Ryman, ...
BMC Genomics 21, 854, 2020
GenErode: a bioinformatics pipeline to investigate genome erosion in endangered and extinct species
VE Kutschera, M Kierczak, T van der Valk, J von Seth, N Dussex, E Lord, ...
BMC bioinformatics 23 (1), 228, 2022
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Articles 1–20