Melissa Ann Flores
Melissa Ann Flores
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Sleep quality and body mass index in college students: the role of sleep disturbances
PA Vargas, M Flores, E Robles
Journal of American college health 62 (8), 534-541, 2014
Microaggressions and diurnal cortisol: Examining within-person associations among African-American and Latino young adults
KH Zeiders, AM Landor, M Flores, A Brown
Journal of Adolescent Health 63 (4), 482-488, 2018
Are developmental assets protective against suicidal behavior? Differential associations by sexual orientation
RB Toomey, AK Syvertsen, M Flores
Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 788-801, 2019
Associations between objective sleep and ambulatory blood pressure in a community sample
CY Doyle, JM Ruiz, DJ Taylor, JW Smyth, M Flores, JR Dietch, C Ahn, ...
Psychosomatic medicine 81 (6), 545-556, 2019
Community health workers promote civic engagement and organizational capacity to impact policy
S Sabo, M Flores, A Wennerstrom, ML Bell, L Verdugo, S Carvajal, ...
Journal of Community Health 42, 1197-1203, 2017
Within‐person associations between racial microaggressions and sleep among African American and Latinx young adults
MA Davenport, AM Landor, KH Zeiders, ED Sarsar, M Flores
Journal of sleep research 30 (4), e13226, 2021
Racial-ethnic differences in social networks and perceived support: Measurement considerations and implications for disparities research.
M Flores, JM Ruiz, C Goans, EA Butler, BN Uchino, M Hirai, R Tinajero, ...
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 26 (2), 189, 2020
Family socialization for racism and heterosexism: Experiences of Latinx sexual minority adolescents and young adults
RB Toomey, M Shramko, M Flores, K Anhalt
Journal of Family Issues 39 (13), 3586-3611, 2018
Socioeconomic status and health
JM Ruiz, P Steffen, CY Doyle, MA Flores, SN Price
Handbook of health psychology, 290-302, 2018
Gender and cultural adaptations for diversity: A systematic review of alcohol and substance abuse interventions for Latino males
LA Valdez, M Flores, J Ruiz, E Oren, S Carvajal, DO Garcia
Substance Use & Misuse 53 (10), 1608-1623, 2018
Ethnic differences in survival among lung cancer patients: A systematic review
SN Price, M Flores, HA Hamann, JM Ruiz
JNCI Cancer Spectrum 5 (5), pkab062, 2021
Affective experience and regulation via sleep, touch, and “sleep-touch” among couples
NA Roberts, MH Burleson, K Pituch, M Flores, C Woodward, S Shahid, ...
Affective Science 3 (2), 353-369, 2022
Structural racism and health in the age of COVID‐19: A selective review with policy implications
E Brondolo, A Kaur, M Flores
Social Issues and Policy Review 17 (1), 34-61, 2023
Hispanic ethnic density may be protective for older Black/African American and non-hispanic white populations for some Health Conditions: an Exploration of Support and …
M Flores, JM Ruiz, EA Butler, DA Sbarra
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 56 (1), 21-34, 2022
The Vaginal Microbiota, Human Papillomavirus Infection, and Cervical Carcinogenesis: A Systematic Review in the Latina Population
V Mancilla, NR Jimenez, NS Bishop, M Flores, MM Herbst-Kralovetz
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 1-18, 2024
Anti-Racism Efforts in Healthcare: A Selective Review From a Social Cognitive Perspective
E Brondolo, A Kaur, R Seavey, M Flores, ...
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2), 160-170, 2023
Perceived social support and ambulatory blood pressure during daily life: A meta-analysis
BN Uchino, BRW Baucom, J Landvatter, RGK de Grey, T Tacana, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 45 (4), 509-517, 2022
Daily emotion regulation in american and asian-indian romantic couples
AL Fonseca, S Kamble, D Duggi, M Flores, EA Butler
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 49 (4), 487-512, 2018
Gender and racial/ethnic differences in CVD risk: Behavioral and psychosocial risk and resilience
JM Ruiz, CY Doyle, MA Flores, SN Price
Gender Differences in the Pathogenesis and Management of Heart Disease, 165-190, 2018
Examining between-group differences in social network density and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in older adults: implications for the Hispanic mortality paradox
M Flores, RM O’Neill, SM Boyd, BN Uchino, JM Ruiz
Psychosomatic Medicine 85 (2), 165-174, 2023
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Articles 1–20