Stephen Lofts
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Cited by
Complexation with dissolved organic matter and solubility control of heavy metals in a sandy soil
L Weng, EJM Temminghoff, S Lofts, E Tipping, WH Van Riemsdijk
Environmental science & technology 36 (22), 4804-4810, 2002
Metal‐based nanoparticles in soil: Fate, behavior, and effects on soil invertebrates
PS Tourinho, CAM Van Gestel, S Lofts, C Svendsen, AMVM Soares, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31 (8), 1679-1692, 2012
The solid-solution partitioning of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in upland soils of England and Wales
E Tipping, J Rieuwerts, G Pan, MR Ashmore, S Lofts, MTR Hill, M Farago, ...
Environmental Pollution 125 (2), 213–225, 2003
Humic Ion-Binding Model VII: a revised parameterisation of cation-binding by humic substances
E Tipping, S Lofts, J Sonke
Environmental Chemistry 8 (3), 225–235, 2011
Deriving soil critical limits for Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb: a method based on free ion concentrations
S Lofts, DJ Spurgeon, C Svendsen, E Tipping
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (13), 3623-3631, 2004
Modelling the production and transport of dissolved organic carbon in forest soils
B Michalzik, E Tipping, J Mulder, JFG Lancho, E Matzner, CL Bryant, ...
Biogeochemistry 66 (3), 241-264, 2003
An assemblage model for cation binding by natural particulate matter
S Lofts, E Tipping
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (15), 2609-2625, 1998
Modelling the chemical speciation of trace metals in the surface waters of the Humber system
E Tipping, S Lofts, AJ Lawlor
Science of the Total Environment 210 (1–6), 63–77, 1998
Soil pH effects on the comparative toxicity of dissolved zinc, non-nano and nano ZnO to the earthworm Eisenia fetida
LR Heggelund, M Diez-Ortiz, S Lofts, E Lahive, K Jurkschat, ...
Nanotoxicology 8 (5), 559-572, 2014
The chemical speciation of Fe (III) in freshwaters
S Lofts, E Tipping, J Hamilton-Taylor
Aquatic Geochemistry 14 (4), 337-358, 2008
Impact of soil properties on critical concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, and mercury in soil and soil solution in view of ecotoxicological effects
W De Vries, S Lofts, E Tipping, M Meili, JE Groenenberg, G Schütze
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 47-89, 2007
Assessing WHAM/Model VII against field measurements of free metal ion concentrations: model performance and the role of uncertainty in parameters and inputs
S Lofts, E Tipping
Environmental Chemistry 8 (5), 501-516, 2011
Bioavailability models for predicting acute and chronic toxicity of zinc to algae, daphnids, and fish in natural surface waters
KAC De Schamphelaere, S Lofts, CR Janssen
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 24 (5 …, 2005
Effect of ocean acidification on organic and inorganic speciation of trace metals
A Stockdale, E Tipping, S Lofts, RJG Mortimer
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (4), 1906-1913, 2016
Effect of pH on metal speciation and resulting metal uptake and toxicity for earthworms
DJ Spurgeon, S Lofts, PK Hankard, M Toal, D McLellan, S Fishwick, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 25 (3), 788-796, 2006
Toxicity of proton–metal mixtures in the field: linking stream macroinvertebrate species diversity to chemical speciation and bioavailability
A Stockdale, E Tipping, S Lofts, SJ Ormerod, WH Clements, R Blust
Aquatic toxicology 100 (1), 112-119, 2010
Towards a renewed research agenda in ecotoxicology
J Artigas, G Arts, M Babut, AB Caracciolo, S Charles, A Chaumot, ...
Environmental Pollution 160, 201-206, 2012
NanoSolveIT Project: Driving nanoinformatics research to develop innovative and integrated tools for in silico nanosafety assessment
A Afantitis, G Melagraki, P Isigonis, A Tsoumanis, DD Varsou, ...
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18, 583-602, 2020
The use of assemblage models to describe trace element partitioning, speciation, and fate: a review
JE Groenenberg, S Lofts
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33 (10), 2181-2196, 2014
Increasing iron concentrations in UK upland waters
C Neal, S Lofts, CD Evans, B Reynolds, E Tipping, M Neal
Aquatic Geochemistry 14, 263-288, 2008
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Articles 1–20