Fabio Di Gioacchino
Fabio Di Gioacchino
Advanced Steel Processing and Products (ASPPRC) Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO
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Plastic strain mapping with sub-micron resolution using digital image correlation
F Di Gioacchino, J Quinta da Fonseca
Experimental Mechanics 53, 743-754, 2013
An experimental study of the polycrystalline plasticity of austenitic stainless steel
F Di Gioacchino, JQ da Fonseca
International Journal of Plasticity 74, 92-109, 2015
A quantitative approach to study the effect of local texture and heterogeneous plastic strain on the deformation micromechanism in RR1000 nickel-based superalloy
S Birosca, F Di Gioacchino, S Stekovic, M Hardy
Acta materialia 74, 110-124, 2014
Longitudinal twinning in a TiAl alloy at high temperature by in situ microcompression
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, G Mohanty, J Wehrs, J Michler, WJ Clegg
Acta Materialia 148, 202-215, 2018
Crystal plasticity analysis of deformation anisotropy of lamellar TiAl alloy: 3D microstructure-based modelling and in-situ micro-compression
L Chen, TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, WJ Clegg, FPE Dunne, MS Pham
International Journal of Plasticity 119, 344-360, 2019
Deformation of lamellar TiAl alloys by longitudinal twinning
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, R Muņoz-Moreno, WJ Clegg
Scripta Materialia 118, 46-50, 2016
Mapping deformation in small-scale testing
F Di Gioacchino, WJ Clegg
Acta materialia 78, 103-113, 2014
Transverse deformation of a lamellar TiAl alloy at high temperature by in situ microcompression
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, AJ Goodfellow, G Mohanty, J Wehrs, ...
Acta Materialia 166, 85-99, 2019
Stable speckle patterns for nano-scale strain mapping up to 700 C
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, HP Springbett, RA Oliver, WJ Clegg
Experimental mechanics 57, 1469-1482, 2017
On the deformation of dendrites during directional solidification of a nickel-based superalloy
JW Aveson, G Reinhart, CJL Goddard, H Nguyen-Thi, N Mangelinck-Noël, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 5234-5241, 2019
An experimental study of the polycrystalline plasticity of lamellar titanium aluminide
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, WJ Clegg
International Journal of Plasticity 118, 291-319, 2019
The interaction of borides and longitudinal twinning in polycrystalline TiAl alloys
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, R Muņoz-Moreno, WJ Clegg
Acta Materialia 140, 305-316, 2017
Deformation of lamellar γ-TiAl below the general yield stress
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, AJ Goodfellow, G Mohanty, J Wehrs, ...
Acta Materialia 163, 122-139, 2019
A new mechanism of strain transfer in polycrystals
F Di Gioacchino, TEJ Edwards, GN Wells, WJ Clegg
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 10082, 2020
Modeling the superplastic behavior of Mg alloy sheets under tension using a continuum damage theory
HSC Mattos, G Minak, F Di Gioacchino, A Soldā
Materials & Design 30 (5), 1674-1679, 2009
On the extraction of yield stresses from micro-compression experiments
JT Pürstl, HO Jones, TEJ Edwards, RP Thompson, F Di Gioacchino, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 800, 140323, 2021
High resolution digital image correlation mapping of strain localization upon room and high temperature, high cycle fatigue of a TiAl intermetallic alloy
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, WJ Clegg
International Journal of Fatigue 142, 105905, 2021
Slip bands in lamellar TiAl during high cycle fatigue microcompression by correlative total strain mapping, diffraction orientation mapping and transmission electron imaging
TEJ Edwards, F Di Gioacchino, AJ Goodfellow, WJ Clegg
International Journal of Fatigue 124, 520-527, 2019
Side-grooved Charpy impact testing: Assessment of splitting and fracture properties of high-toughness plate steels
F Di Gioacchino, E Lucon, EB Mitchell, KD Clarke, DK Matlock
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 252, 107842, 2021
Reduced partitioning of plastic strain for strong and yet ductile precipitate-strengthened alloys
RD Jones, F Di Gioacchino, H Lim, TEJ Edwards, C Schwalbe, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8698, 2018
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Articles 1–20