Sang-Gon Lee
Sang-Gon Lee
Dongseo University
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Cited by
E-SAP: efficient-strong authentication protocol for healthcare applications using wireless medical sensor networks
P Kumar, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors (SJR : 0.546, Q2) 12 (2), 1625-1647, 2012
Distributed SDN controller system: A survey on design choice
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee, JH Lam
Computer Networks (SJR:0.755, Q2) 121, 100-111, 2017
Security Analysis and Improvements of Authentication and Access Control in the Internet of Things
B Ndibanje, HJ Lee, SG Lee
Sensors(SJR : 0.546, Q2) 14 (8), 14786-14805, 2014
Room temperature control and fire alarm/suppression IoT service using MQTT on AWS
DH Kang, MS Park, HS Kim, D Kim, SH Kim, HJ Son, SG Lee
2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon), 1-5, 2017
RUASN: a robust user authentication framework for wireless sensor networks
P Kumar, AJ Choudhury, M Sain, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors (SJR : 0.546, Q2) 11 (5), 5020-5046, 2011
Securing Distributed ISDN with IBC
JH Lam, SG Lee, HJ Lee, YE Oktian
ICUFN 2015, 921-925, 2015
Mitigating Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks in OpenFlow Networks
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee
International Conference on ICT Convergence 2014(ICTC 2014), pp.325~330, 2014
A strong authentication scheme with user privacy for wireless sensor networks
P Kumar, A Gurtov, M Ylianttila, SG Lee, HJ Lee
ETRI journal 35 (5), 889-899, 2013
Hierarchical Multi-Blockchain Architecture for Scalable Internet of Things Environment
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee
MDPI Electronics 9 (6), 2020
Malicious URLs Detection based on Associative Classification
S Kumi, CH Lim, SG Lee
MDPI Entropy 23 (2), 2021
BorderChain: Blockchain-Based Access Control Framework for the Internet of Things Endpoint
YE Oktian, SG Lee
IEEE Access 9, 3592 - 3615, 2020
An efficient and adaptive mutual authentication framework for heterogeneous wireless sensor network-based applications
P Kumar, M Ylianttila, A Gurtov, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors(SJR : 0.546, Q2) 14 (2), 2732-2755, 2014
A Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Considering Secure Data Aggregation
TM Rahayu, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors (SJR : 0.546, Q2) 15 (7), 15127-15158., 2015
Securing SDN Southbound and Data Plane Communication with IBC
JH Lam, SG Lee, HJ Lee, YE Oktian
Mobile Information Systems 2016, 2016
Survey on LEACH-based security protocols
TM Rahayu, SG Lee, HJ Lee
16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 304-309, 2014
Secure Your Northbound SDN API
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee, JH Lam
ICUFN 2015, 919-920, 2015
Toward Data Integrity Architecture for Cloud-based AI Systems,
EN Witanto, YE Oktian, SG Lee
MDPI Symmetry, 2022
Blockchain-Based Continued Integrity Service for IoT Big Data Management: A Comprehensive Design
YE Oktian, SG Lee, BG Lee
MDPI Electronics 2020 (9), 2020
Cluster-based routing scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks
M Singh, SG Lee, TW Kit, LJ Huy
13th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2011
An enhanced ID-based deniable authentication protocol on pairings
MH Lim, S Lee, Y Park, H Lee
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2007: International …, 2007
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Articles 1–20