Francisco M Rocha
Francisco M Rocha
Research Associate, IUSTI, Aix-Marseille University
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Cited by
Self-channelisation and levee formation in monodisperse granular flows
FM Rocha, CG Johnson, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876, 591-641, 2019
The kinematics of bidisperse granular roll waves
S Viroulet, JL Baker, FM Rocha, CG Johnson, BP Kokelaar, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 836-875, 2018
Retrogressive failure of a static granular layer on an inclined plane
AS Russell, CG Johnson, AN Edwards, S Viroulet, FM Rocha, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 869, 313-340, 2019
Manipulation of the Saffman-Taylor instability: A curvature-dependent surface tension approach
FM Rocha, JA Miranda
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (1 …, 2013
Diversity of self-propulsion speeds reduces motility-induced clustering in confined active matter
P de Castro, FM Rocha, S Diles, R Soto, P Sollich
Soft Matter 17 (43), 9926-9936, 2021
Particle-size segregation in self-channelized granular flows
AN Edwards, FM Rocha, BP Kokelaar, CG Johnson, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 955, A38, 2023
Viscous normal stresses and fingertip tripling in radial Hele-Shaw flows
ÍM Coutinho, FM Rocha, JA Miranda
Physical Review E 104 (4), 045106, 2021
Control of centrifugal fingering via a variable interfacial tension approach
FM Rocha, JA Miranda
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Drag of a shear-thickening suspension on a rotating cylinder
FM Rocha, Y Forterre, B Metzger, H Lhuissier
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 970, A35, 2023
Controlling fluid adhesion force with electric fields
PHA Anjos, FM Rocha, EO Dias
Physical Review E 106 (5), 055109, 2022
Shear thickening beyond rheometry: The frictional transition model exposed to hydrodynamic flow configurations
F Rocha, H Lhuissier, Y Forterre, B Metzger
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, F27. 003, 2021
Self-channelisation and roll waves in dry granular flows
F Melo da Rocha
University of Manchester, 2020
Granular fingering instability: A first attempt to access the most unstable mode
C Rocha, N Gray, C Johnson
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, B15. 003, 2017
Manipulação de instabilidades hidrodinâmicas via tensão superficial dependente da curvatura fluido-fluido
FM Rocha
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014
Segregation-induced granular fingering
C Rocha, C Johnson, N Gray
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Articles 1–15