Stephen Adamo
Stephen Adamo
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Central Florida
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Cited by
A taxonomy of errors in multiple-target visual search
MS Cain, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
Visual cognition 21 (7), 899-921, 2013
Self-induced attentional blink: A cause of errors in multiple-target search
SH Adamo, MS Cain, SR Mitroff
Psychological science 24 (12), 2569-2574, 2013
Examining perceptual and conceptual set biases in multiple-target visual search
AT Biggs, SH Adamo, EW Dowd, SR Mitroff
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 844-855, 2015
What can 1 billion trials tell us about visual search?
SR Mitroff, AT Biggs, SH Adamo, EW Dowd, J Winkle, K Clark
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 41 (1), 1, 2015
Rare, but obviously there: Effects of target frequency and salience on visual search accuracy
AT Biggs, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
Acta psychologica 152, 158-165, 2014
Targets need their own personal space: Effects of clutter on multiple-target search accuracy
SH Adamo, MS Cain, SR Mitroff
Perception 44 (10), 1203-1214, 2015
Overcoming hurdles in translating visual search research between the lab and the field
K Clark, MS Cain, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
The influence of attention, learning, and motivation on visual search, 147-181, 2012
An individual differences approach to multiple-target visual search errors: How search errors relate to different characteristics of attention
SH Adamo, MS Cain, SR Mitroff
Vision research 141, 258-265, 2017
From “satisfaction of search” to “subsequent search misses”: a review of multiple-target search errors across radiology and cognitive science
SH Adamo, BJ Gereke, S Shomstein, J Schmidt
Cognitive research: principles and implications 6, 1-19, 2021
How to correctly put the “subsequent” in subsequent search miss errors
SH Adamo, PH Cox, DJ Kravitz, SR Mitroff
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81, 2648-2657, 2019
Mammography to tomosynthesis: examining the differences between two-dimensional and segmented-three-dimensional visual search
SH Adamo, JM Ericson, JC Nah, R Brem, SR Mitroff
Cognitive research: principles and implications 3, 1-13, 2018
Satisfaction at last: evidence for the'satisfaction'account for multiple-target search errors
SH Adamo, MS Cain, SR Mitroff
Medical imaging 2018: Image perception, observer performance, and technology …, 2018
Satisfaction at last: Evidence for the “satisfaction” hypothesis for multiple-target search errors
SH Adamo, MS Cain, SR Mitroff
Visual Cognition 23 (7), 821-825, 2015
A taxonomy of multiple-target search errors
MS Cain, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
Visual Cognition 21 (7), 899-921, 2013
Recruiting from the shallow end of the pool: Differences in cognitive and compliance measures for subject pool participants based on enrollment time across an academic term
CL Porfido, PH Cox, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
Visual Cognition 28 (1), 1-9, 2020
Examining influences on applied visual search performance
K Clark, MS Cain, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
The influence of attention, learning, and motivation on visual search 59 …, 2012
Mo'money, mo'problems: Monetary motivation can exacerbate the attentional blink
AT Biggs, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
Perception 44 (4), 410-422, 2015
Targets need their own personal space
SH Adamo, MS Cain, SR Mitroff
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 1148-1148, 2012
What eye-tracking can tell us about multiple-target visual search
MS Cain, SH Adamo, SR Mitroff
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society …, 2012
Assessing satisfaction of search in virtual mammograms for experienced and novice searchers
SH Adamo, N Roque, B Barufaldi, J Schmidt, C Mello-Thoms, M Lago
Journal of Medical Imaging 10 (S1), S11917-S11917, 2023
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Articles 1–20