Действие излучения большой мощности на металлы СИ Анисимов, ЯА Имас, ГС Романов, ЮВ Ходыко Главная редакция физико-математической литературы, 1970 | 1204* | 1970 |
Effect of a laser pulse on the reflecting power of a metal AM Bonch-Bruevich Soviet Physics Technical Physics 13, 640-643, 1977 | 78 | 1977 |
Thermodynamic and optical properties of gases in a wide range of parameters GS Romanov, YA Stankevich, LK Stanchits, KL Stepanov International journal of heat and mass transfer 38 (3), 545-556, 1995 | 69 | 1995 |
Action of high power laser radiation on metals SI Anisimov, YA Imas, GS Romanov, YV Khodyko Moskva, Nauka, 1970 | 54 | 1970 |
About model of the “superdeep” penetration LV Altshuler, SK Andilevko, GS Romanov, SM Usherenko Pisma ŻETF 15 (5), 55-57, 1989 | 53* | 1989 |
Deistvie izlucheniya bol’shoi moshchnosti na metally SI Anisimov, YA Imas, GS Romanov, YV Khodyko Action of High-Power Radiation, 1970 | 42 | 1970 |
Селективное действие лазерных импульсов на ретинальный пигментный эпителий. Физические основы ГИ Желтов, ГС Романов, ОГ Романов, ЕВ Иванова Новое в офтальмологии, 37-43, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Variation in reflectivity of some semiconductors excited by laser light(Ge and Nd semiconductors reflectivity changes induced by laser radiation, discussing role of electrons … AM Bonch-Bruevich, IAA IMAS, VP KOVALEV, MN Libenson, ... SOVIET PHYSICS-TECHNICAL PHYSICS 13, 507-513, 1968 | 36* | 1968 |
Effect of High-Power Radiation on Metals [in Russian] SI Anisimov, YA Imas, GS Romanov, YV Khodyko Nauka, 1970 | 34 | 1970 |
Thermomechanical effect of pulse-periodic laser radiation on cartilaginous and eye tissues OI Baum, GI Zheltov, AI Omelchenko, GS Romanov, OG Romanov, ... Laser Physics 23 (8), 085602, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Spectral and mean absorption coefficients of a carbon plasma GS Romanov, KI Stepanov, MI Syrkin Opt. Spectrosc.(USSR)(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 47 (5), 1979 | 23* | 1979 |
The theory of heating and evaporation of a spherical particle exposed to optical radiation VK Pustovalov, GS Romanov International journal of heat and mass transfer 28 (1), 277-289, 1985 | 22 | 1985 |
Действие мощных световых потоков на металлы СИ Анисимов, АМ Бонч-Бруевич, МА Ельяшевич, ЯА Имас, ... Ж. техн. физ 35, 1966 | 21 | 1966 |
Specific features of mass transfer of discrete microparticles in the process of metallic target treatment with a powder flux SK Andilevko, VA Shilkin, SM Usherenko, GS Romanov International journal of heat and mass transfer 36 (4), 1113-1124, 1993 | 20 | 1993 |
The effects of high-power laser radiation on metals SI Anisimov, YA Imas, GS Romanov, YV Hodyko Nauka, Moscow, 1970 | 20* | 1970 |
Effect of superdeep penetration. State of the art and prospects OV Roman, SK Andilevko, SS Karpenko, GS Romanov, VA Shilkin Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics 75, 997-1012, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
Motion and deceleration of explosively accelerated solid particles in a metallic target SM Usherenko, VF Nozdrin, SI Gubenko, GS Romanov International journal of heat and mass transfer 37 (15), 2367-2375, 1994 | 19 | 1994 |
Numerical simulation of an explosive plasma generator in the gasdynamic approximation GS Romanov, VV Urban Journal of engineering physics 37, 1325-1331, 1979 | 19* | 1979 |
The expansion of the substance from a strong evaporating metal surface GS Romanov, VK Pustovalov Izv. Akad. Nauk BSSR 4, 84-95, 1967 | 19* | 1967 |
Изменение отражательной способности металлов за время действия импульса ОКГ АМ Бонч-Бруевич, ЯА Имас, ГС Романов, МН Либенсон, ЛН Мальцев Журн. техн. физики 38 (5), 851-855, 1968 | 18 | 1968 |