Igor L. Chernyavsky
Igor L. Chernyavsky
Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester
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A mathematical model of intervillous blood flow in the human placentone
IL Chernyavsky, OE Jensen, L Leach
Placenta 31 (1), 44-52, 2010
Human placental oxygenation in late gestation: experimental and theoretical approaches
GA Nye, E Ingram, ED Johnstone, OE Jensen, H Schneider, RM Lewis, ...
The Journal of physiology 596 (23), 5523-5534, 2018
Blood Flow and Transport in the Human Placenta
OE Jensen, IL Chernyavsky
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 51, 2019, 2018
In vitro, in silico and in vivo study challenges the impact of bronchial thermoplasty on acute airway smooth muscle mass loss
IL Chernyavsky, RJ Russell, RM Saunders, GE Morris, R Berair, ...
European Respiratory Journal 51 (5), 1701680, 2018
Transport in the placenta: homogenizing haemodynamics in a disordered medium
IL Chernyavsky, L Leach, IL Dryden, OE Jensen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2011
Physical and geometric determinants of transport in fetoplacental microvascular networks
A Erlich, P Pearce, RP Mayo, OE Jensen, IL Chernyavsky
Science advances 5 (4), eaav6326, 2019
Image-based modeling of blood flow and oxygen transfer in feto-placental capillaries
P Pearce, P Brownbill, J Janáček, M Jirkovská, L Kubínová, ...
PLoS One 11 (10), e0165369, 2016
A massively multi-scale approach to characterizing tissue architecture by synchrotron micro-CT applied to the human placenta
WM Tun, G Poologasundarampillai, H Bischof, G Nye, ONF King, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (179), 20210140, 2021
Nonlinear waves in fluid flow through a viscoelastic tube
NA Kudryashov, IL Chernyavskii
Fluid Dynamics 41 (1), 49-62, 2006
The role of inflammation resolution speed in airway smooth muscle mass accumulation in asthma: insight from a theoretical model
IL Chernyavsky, H Croisier, LAC Chapman, LS Kimpton, JE Hiorns, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e90162, 2014
Numerical simulation of the process of autoregulation of the arterial blood flow
NA Kudryashov, IL Chernyavskii
Fluid dynamics 43 (1), 32-48, 2008
Nonlinear evolution equations for description of perturbations in a viscoelastic tube
NA Kudryashov, DI Sinel'shchikov, IL Chernyavsky
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 4 (1), 69-86, 2008
An international network (PlaNet) to evaluate a human placental testing platform for chemicals safety testing in pregnancy
P Brownbill, I Chernyavsky, B Bottalico, G Desoye, S Hansson, G Kenna, ...
Reproductive Toxicology 64, 191-202, 2016
Red blood cell dynamics in extravascular biological tissues modelled as canonical disordered porous media
Q Zhou, K Schirrmann, E Doman, Q Chen, N Singh, PR Selvaganapathy, ...
Interface Focus 12 (6), 20220037, 2022
Quantifying the impact of tissue metabolism on solute transport in feto-placental microvascular networks
A Erlich, GA Nye, P Brownbill, OE Jensen, IL Chernyavsky
Interface Focus 9 (5), 20190021, 2019
Characterizing the multiscale structure of fluctuations of transported quantities in a disordered medium
IL Chernyavsky, IL Dryden, OE Jensen
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 77 (5), 697-725, 2012
Robust fabrication of ultra-soft tunable PDMS microcapsules as a biomimetic model for red blood cells
Q Chen, N Singh, K Schirrmann, Q Zhou, IL Chernyavsky, A Juel
Soft Matter 19 (28), 5249-5261, 2023
Placenta Imaging Workshop 2018 report: Multiscale and multimodal approaches
P Slator, R Aughwane, G Cade, D Taylor, AL David, R Lewis, E Jauniaux, ...
Placenta 79, 78-82, 2019
A mathematical model for autoregulation of the arterial lumen by endothelium-derived relaxing factor
IL Chernyavsky, NA Kudryashov
Advanced Science Letters 1 (2), 226-230, 2008
Continuous non-invasive blood-pressure measurements
T Birch, C Breward, S Campbell, I Chernyavsky, T Fischer, S Glavin, ...
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Articles 1–20