Elham Parhizkar
Elham Parhizkar
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Alberta
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Cited by
JSObfusDetector: A binary PSO-based one-class classifier ensemble to detect obfuscated JavaScript code
M Jodavi, M Abadi, E Parhizkar
2015 The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal …, 2015
BeeOWA: A novel approach based on ABC algorithm and induced OWA operators for constructing one-class classifier ensembles
E Parhizkar, M Abadi
Neurocomputing 166, 367-381, 2015
Dbdhunter: an ensemble-based anomaly detection approach to detect drive-by download attacks
M Jodavi, M Abadi, E Parhizkar
2015 5th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2015
OC-WAD: A one-class classifier ensemble approach for anomaly detection in web traffic
E Parhizkar, M Abadi
2015 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 631-636, 2015
Combining Direct Trust and Indirect Trust in Multi-Agent Systems.
E Parhizkar, MH Nikravan, RC Holte, S Zilles
IJCAI, 311-317, 2020
Indirect Trust is Simple to Establish.
E Parhizkar, MH Nikravan, S Zilles
IJCAI, 3216-3222, 2019
Using Change Detection to Adapt to Dynamically Changing Trustees.
E Parhizkar, MH Nikravan, RC Holte, S Zilles
Canadian AI, 2022
Synthesizing Libraries of Programs with Auxiliary Functions
H Rahman, TR Emireddy, K Tjhia, E Parhizkar, L Lelis
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 0
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Articles 1–8