Glorieux Ignace
Glorieux Ignace
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Cited by
A method for the identification and modelling of realistic domestic occupancy sequences for building energy demand simulations and peer comparison
D Aerts, J Minnen, I Glorieux, I Wouters, F Descamps
Building and environment 75, 67-78, 2014
More than preparing a meal? Concerning the meanings of home cooking
S Daniels, I Glorieux, J Minnen, TP van Tienoven
Appetite 58 (3), 1050-1056, 2012
Wit krijt schrijft beter. Schoolloopbanen van allochtone jongeren in beeld
N Duquet, I Glorieux, I Laurijssen, Y Van Dorsselaer
Garant, 2006
Social exclusion in Europe: problems and paradigms
P Littlewood, I Glorieux, I Jönsson
Taylor & Francis, 2017
De symbolische samenleving: een exploratie van de nieuwe sociale en culturele ruimtes
M Elchardus, I Glorieux
Lannoo Uitgeverij, 2003
Convenience, food and family lives. A socio-typological study of household food expenditures in 21st-century Belgium
S Daniels, I Glorieux
Appetite 94, 54-61, 2015
The overestimated workweek revisited
JP Robinson, S Martin, I Glorieux, J Minnens
Monthly Lab. Rev. 134, 43, 2011
Change and stability in commensality patterns: a comparative analysis of Belgian time-use data from 1966, 1999 and 2004
I Mestdag, I Glorieux
The Sociological Review 57 (4), 703-726, 2009
Zonder maskers. Een actueel portret van jongeren en hun leraren
M Elchardus, S De Groof, M Debusscher, A Derks, I Glorieux, M Hooge
Globe, Gent, 1999
The coming of the 24-hour economy? Changing work schedules in Belgium between 1966 and 1999
I Glorieux, I Mestdag, J Minnen
Time & Society 17 (1), 63-83, 2008
In search of the harried leisure class in contemporary society: Time-use surveys and patterns of leisure time consumption
I Glorieux, I Laurijssen, J Minnen, TP van Tienoven
Journal of Consumer Policy 33, 163-181, 2010
Spouse “together time”: Quality time within the household
I Glorieux, J Minnen, TP van Tienoven
Social Indicators Research 101 (2), 281-287, 2011
Balancing work and family: A panel analysis of the impact of part-time work on the experience of time pressure
I Laurijssen, I Glorieux
Social Indicators Research 112, 1-17, 2013
The search for the invisible 8 hours: The gendered use of time in a society with a high labour force participation of women
M Elchardus, I Glorieux
Time & Society 3 (1), 5-27, 1994
Convenience on the menu? A typological conceptualization of family food expenditures and food-related time patterns
S Daniels, I Glorieux, J Minnen, TP Van Tienoven, D Weenas
Social Science Research 51, 205-218, 2015
Arbeid als zingever. Een onderzoek naar de betekenis van arbeid in het leven van mannen en vrouwen
I Glorieux
Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS) - Translating an existing method in the 21st century.
J Minnen, I Glorieux, TP van Tienoven, S Daniels, D Weenas, J Deyaert, ...
Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 11 (1), 2014
Career trajectories for women after childbirth: Job quality and work–family balance
I Laurijssen, I Glorieux
European sociological review 29 (3), 426-436, 2013
Digital skills training for older people: The importance of the ‘lifeworld’
W Schirmer, N Geerts, A Vercruyssen, I Glorieux, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 101, 104695, 2022
Discrete occupancy profiles from time-use data for user behaviour modelling in homes
D Aerts, J Minnen, I Glorieux, I Wouters, F Descamps
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Articles 1–20