Helmi Norman
Helmi Norman
Associate Professor of Digital and Futuristic Education
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Cited by
Exploring the roles of social participation in mobile social media learning: A social network analysis
H Norman, N Nordin, R Din, M Ally, H Dogan
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 16 (4 …, 2015
Technology Acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses in Malaysia
N Nordin, H Norman, MA Embi
Malaysian Journal of Distance Education 17 (2), 1-16, 2016
Factors for Development of Learning Content and Task for MOOCs in an Asian Context
N Nordin, H Norman, MA Embi, AZ Mansor, F Idris
International Education Studies 9 (5), 48-61, 2016
Mapping the Fourth Industrial Revolution global transformations on 21st century education on the context of sustainable development
N Nordin, H Norman
Journal of Sustainable Development Education and Research 2 (1), 1-7, 2018
A web-based intervention for social media addiction disorder management in higher education: Quantitative survey study
H Dogan, H Norman, A Alrobai, N Jiang, N Nordin, A Adnan
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (10), e14834, 2019
Online gamified learning to enhance teachers’ competencies using classcraft
SD Krishnan, H Norman, M Md Yunus
Sustainability 13 (19), 10817, 2021
Perceptions of authority in a Massive Open Online Course: An Intercultural study
BL Andersen, C Hasse, J Na-songkhla, N Nordin, H Norman
International Review of Education 64 (2), 221-239, 2018
Kemahiran teknologi dan kesediaan melaksanakan pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan dalam talian semasa era pandemik dalam kalangan guru di sekolah rendah Tamil
Y Kuppusamy, H Norman
Jurnal Dunia Pendidikan 3 (1), 428-441, 2021
A preliminary study of an authentic ubiquitous learning environment for higher education
H Norman, R Din, N Nordin
learning 3 (4), 89-94, 2011
‘AReal-Vocab’: an augmented reality English vocabulary mobile application to cater to mild autism children in response towards sustainable education for children with disabilities
HU Hashim, MM Yunus, H Norman
Sustainability 14 (8), 4831, 2022
ģSPEAK: using mobile-based online learning course to learn ‘English for the workplace’
KM Rafiq, H Hashim, MM Yunus, H Norman
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
A historical review of mobile learning research in Malaysia and its implications for Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific region
NM Nordin, MA Embi, H Norman, E Panah
Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Harnessing …, 2017
Leveraging the Use of Social Media in Teaching Writing: A Qualitative Investigation among ESL Pre-Service Teachers.
R Rusli, H Hashim, MM Yunus, NY Khairani Zakaria, H Norman
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 13 (11), 2019
A review on the use and perceived effects of mobile blogs on learning in higher educational settings
H Norman, R Din, N Nordin, T Ryberg
Asian Social Science 10 (1), 209-222, 2014
The educational digital divide for vulnerable students in the pandemic: Towards the new agenda 2030
H Norman, NH Adnan, N Nordin, M Ally, A Tsinakos
Sustainability 14 (16), 10332, 2022
Mobile game-based learning for online assessment in collaborative learning
NYK Zakaria, H Zaini, F Hamdan, H Norman
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4.21), 80-85, 2018
Measuring learnersperceived satisfaction towards e-learning material and environment
R Rahamat, PM Shah, R Din, SN Puteh, JA Aziz, H Norman, MA Embi
WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education 9 (3), 72-83, 2012
Towards envisioning the future of learning in Malaysia: Development of a Malaysia MOOC based on the iterative ADDIE instructional design framework
N Nordin, MA Embi, H Norman
Envisioning the Future of Online Learning: Selected Papers from the …, 2016
English as secondary language learning and autism spectrum disorder: the obstacles in teaching and learning the language
H Umiera Hashim, M Md Yunus, H Norman
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 12, 2021
The formation of an e-portfolio indicator for Malaysia skills certificate: a modified Delphi survey
RM Bekri, MY Ruhizan, MN Norazah, H Norman, YFA Nur, HT Ashikin
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 174, 290-297, 2015
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Articles 1–20