Who matters to Ceos? An investigation of stakeholder attributes and salience, corpate performance, and Ceo values BR Agle, RK Mitchell, JA Sonnenfeld Academy of management journal 42 (5), 507-525, 1999 | 3343 | 1999 |
To your heart's content: A model of affective diversity in top management teams SG Barsade, AJ Ward, JDF Turner, JA Sonnenfeld Administrative science quarterly 45 (4), 802-836, 2000 | 1086 | 2000 |
What makes great boards great JA Sonnenfeld Harvard business review 80 (9), 106-113, 2002 | 826 | 2002 |
Does CEO charisma matter? An empirical analysis of the relationships among organizational performance, environmental uncertainty, and top management team perceptions of CEO … BR Agle, NJ Nagarajan, JA Sonnenfeld, D Srinivasan Academy of management journal 49 (1), 161-174, 2006 | 645 | 2006 |
Staffing policy as a strategic response: A typology of career systems JA Sonnenfeld, MA Peiperl Academy of Management Review 13 (4), 588-600, 1988 | 559 | 1988 |
The hero's farewell: What happens when CEOs retire J Sonnenfeld Oxford University Press, 1991 | 533 | 1991 |
The maturation of career theory J Sonnenfeld, JP Kotter Human relations 35 (1), 19-46, 1982 | 340 | 1982 |
Shedding light on the Hawthorne studies JA Sonnenfeld Journal of Organizational Behavior 6 (2), 111-130, 1985 | 252 | 1985 |
The parting patriarch of a family firm JA Sonnenfeld, PL Spence Family Business Review 2 (4), 355-375, 1989 | 249 | 1989 |
Good governance and the misleading myths of bad metrics J Sonnenfeld Academy of Management Perspectives 18 (1), 108-113, 2004 | 179 | 2004 |
Organization structure and corporate social performance: A field study in two contrasting industries A Bhambri, J Sonnenfeld Academy of management journal 31 (3), 642-662, 1988 | 158 | 1988 |
Why do companies succumb to price fixing J Sonnenfeld, PR Lawrence Harvard Business Review 56 (4), 145-157, 1978 | 147 | 1978 |
Value congruence and charismatic leadership in CEO–top manager relationships: An empirical investigation S Hayibor, BR Agle, GJ Sears, JA Sonnenfeld, A Ward Journal of business ethics 102, 237-254, 2011 | 144 | 2011 |
Dealing with the aging work force J Sonnenfeld Harvard Business Review 56 (6), 81-92, 1978 | 109 | 1978 |
Examining the impact of organizational value dissimilarity in top management teams MJ Lankau, A Ward, A Amason, T Ng, JA Sonnenfeld, BR Agle Journal of Managerial Issues, 11-34, 2007 | 99 | 2007 |
Leadership and governance from the inside out R Gandossy, J Sonnenfeld John Wiley & Sons, 2004 | 99 | 2004 |
10 Career system profiles and strategic staffing JA Sonnenfeld Handbook of career theory, 202, 1989 | 98 | 1989 |
Strategic determinants of managerial labor markets: A career systems view JA Sonnenfeld, MA Peiperl, JP Kotter Human Resource Management 27 (4), 369-388, 1988 | 98 | 1988 |
Managing career systems: channeling the flow of executive careers JA Sonnenfeld (No Title), 1984 | 97 | 1984 |
The effect of organizational experience on managerial career attainment in an internal labor market AE Hurley, JA Sonnenfeld Journal of Vocational Behavior 52 (2), 172-190, 1998 | 89 | 1998 |