Danelle Seymour
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Cited by
Demography and its effects on genomic variation in crop domestication
BS Gaut, DK Seymour, Q Liu, Y Zhou
Nature plants 4 (8), 512-520, 2018
LNK genes integrate light and clock signaling networks at the core of the Arabidopsis oscillator
ML Rugnone, A Faigón Soverna, SE Sanchez, RG Schlaen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (29), 12120-12125, 2013
Evolution of DNA methylation patterns in the Brassicaceae is driven by differences in genome organization
DK Seymour, D Koenig, J Hagmann, C Becker, D Weigel
PLoS genetics 10 (11), e1004785, 2014
Comparative mapping in watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai]
K Sandlin, J Prothro, A Heesacker, N Khalilian, R Okashah, W Xiang, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 125, 1603-1618, 2012
Rapid creation of Arabidopsis doubled haploid lines for quantitative trait locus mapping
DK Seymour, DL Filiault, IM Henry, J Monson-Miller, M Ravi, A Pang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (11), 4227-4232, 2012
Improving the annotation of Arabidopsis lyrata using RNA-Seq data
V Rawat, A Abdelsamad, B Pietzenuk, DK Seymour, D Koenig, D Weigel, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0137391, 2015
Nitrogen journey in plants: From uptake to metabolism, stress response, and microbe interaction
O Zayed, OA Hewedy, A Abdelmoteleb, M Ali, MS Youssef, AF Roumia, ...
Biomolecules 13 (10), 1443, 2023
The causes and consequences of DNA methylome variation in plants
DK Seymour, C Becker
Current opinion in plant biology 36, 56-63, 2017
Gene body methylation in plants: mechanisms, functions, and important implications for understanding evolutionary processes
AM Muyle, DK Seymour, Y Lv, B Huettel, BS Gaut
Genome biology and evolution 14 (4), evac038, 2022
The genomic diversification of grapevine clones
AM Vondras, A Minio, B Blanco-Ulate, R Figueroa-Balderas, MA Penn, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-19, 2019
KH domain protein RCF3 is a tissue-biased regulator of the plant miRNA biogenesis cofactor HYL1
P Karlsson, MD Christie, DK Seymour, H Wang, X Wang, J Hagmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), 14096-14101, 2015
Genetic architecture of nonadditive inheritance in Arabidopsis thaliana hybrids
DK Seymour, E Chae, DG Grimm, C Martin Pizarro, A Habring-Müller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (46), E7317-E7326, 2016
Living with two genomes: grafting and its implications for plant genome-to-genome interactions, phenotypic variation, and evolution
BS Gaut, AJ Miller, DK Seymour
Annual Review of Genetics 53 (1), 195-215, 2019
The genome-wide dynamics of purging during selfing in maize
K Roessler, A Muyle, CM Diez, GRJ Gaut, A Bousios, MC Stitzer, ...
Nature plants 5 (9), 980-990, 2019
Methods for genotyping-by-sequencing
BA Rowan, DK Seymour, E Chae, DS Lundberg, D Weigel
Genotyping: Methods and Protocols, 221-242, 2017
Phylogenetic shifts in gene body methylation correlate with gene expression and reflect trait conservation
DK Seymour, BS Gaut
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (1), 31-43, 2020
The Evolutionary Dynamics of Orthologs That Shift in Gene Body Methylation between Arabidopsis Species
S Takuno, DK Seymour, BS Gaut
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (6), 1479-1491, 2017
CHH methylation islands: a nonconserved feature of grass genomes that is positively associated with transposable elements but negatively associated with gene-body methylation
GT Martin, DK Seymour, BS Gaut
Genome Biology and Evolution 13 (8), evab144, 2021
Transmission ratio distortion is frequent in Arabidopsis thaliana controlled crosses
DK Seymour, E Chae, BI Arioz, D Koenig, D Weigel
Heredity 122 (3), 294-304, 2019
Gene capture by transposable elements leads to epigenetic conflict in maize
A Muyle, D Seymour, N Darzentas, E Primetis, BS Gaut, A Bousios
Molecular plant 14 (2), 237-252, 2021
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Articles 1–20