Arvids A. Ziedonis
Arvids A. Ziedonis
Strategy and Innovation Department, Boston University
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Cited by
The Growth of Patenting and Licensing by US Universities: An Assessment of the Effects of the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980
DC Mowery, RR Nelson, BN Sampat, AA Ziedonis
Research Policy 30 (1), 99-119, 2001
Ivory Tower and Industrial Innovation: University-Industry Technology Transfer Before and After the Bayh-Dole Act
DC Mowery, RR Nelson, BN Sampat, AA Ziedonis
Stanford University Press, 2004
Academic Patent Quality and Quantity Before and After the Bayh-Dole Act in the United States
DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
Research Policy 31 (3), 399-418, 2002
Overoptimism and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms
RA Lowe, AA Ziedonis
Management Science 52 (2), 173-186, 2006
Changes in University Patent Quality after the Bayh–Dole act: A Re-Examination
BN Sampat, DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
International Journal of Industrial Organization 21 (9), 1371-1390, 2003
Learning to patent: Institutional experience, learning, and the characteristics of US university patents after the Bayh-Dole Act, 1981-1992
DC Mowery, BN Sampat, AA Ziedonis
Management Science 48 (1), 73-89, 2002
Markets vs. Spillovers in Outflows of University Research
DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
Research Policy, 2015
The effects of the Bayh-Dole Act on US university research and technology transfer: An analysis of data from Columbia University, the University of California, and Stanford …
DC Mowery, RR Nelson, BN Sampat, AA Ziedonis
Research Policy 29, 729-40, 1999
Real Options in Technology Licensing
AA Ziedonis
Management Science 53 (10), 1618-1633, 2007
Patent Citations and the Economic Value of Patents
BN Sampat, AA Ziedonis
Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research, 277-298, 2004
Organizational issues in university-industry technology transfer: An overview of the symposium issue
DS Siegel, JG Thursby, MC Thursby, AA Ziedonis
Journal of Technology Transfer 26 (1), 5-12, 2001
Numbers, quality, and entry: How has the Bayh-Dole Act affected US university patenting and licensing?
DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
Innovation Policy and the Economy 1, 187-220, 2000
Academic Patents and Materials Transfer Agreements: Substitutes or Complements?
DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
The Journal of Technology Transfer 32 (3), 157-172, 2007
University Licensing and the Flow of Scientific Knowledge
NC Thompson, AA Ziedonis, DC Mowery
Research Policy 47 (6), 1060-1069, 2018
Market failure or market magic? Structural change in the US national innovation system
DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
Science Technology Industry Review 22, 101-136, 2001
Deferral and Growth Options under Sequential Innovation
MJ Leiblein, AA Ziedonis
Real Options Theory, 225-245, 2007
The commercialisation of national laboratory technology through the formation of" spin-off" firms: Evidence from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
DC Mowery, AA Ziedonis
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 3 (1-2 …, 2001
The Commercialization of University Technology: Implications for Firm Strategy and Public Policy
AA Ziedonis
UMI Dissertation Services, 2001
Materials Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Licenses, and the Flow of Scientific Knowledge
NC Thompson, AA Ziedonis, DC Mowery
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings, 2012
Benchmarking U.S. University Technology Commercialization Efforts: A New Approach
DH Hsu, PH Hsu, T Zhou, A Ziedonis
Research Policy 50 (1), 2021
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Articles 1–20