Paul Mann
Paul Mann
Professor of Geology, Dept of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Houston
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Development of pull-apart basins
P Mann, MR Hempton, DC Bradley, K Burke
The Journal of Geology 91 (5), 529-554, 1983
Tectonics of strike-slip restraining and releasing bends
WD Cunningham, P Mann
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 290 (1), 1-12, 2007
GPS geodetic constraints on Caribbean‐North America plate motion
C DeMets, PE Jansma, GS Mattioli, TH Dixon, F Farina, R Bilham, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (3), 437-440, 2000
Mass-transport complexes and associated processes in the offshore area of Trinidad and Venezuela
L Moscardelli, L Wood, P Mann
AAPG bulletin 90 (7), 1059-1088, 2006
Actively evolving microplate formation by oblique collision and sideways motion along strike-slip faults: An example from the northeastern Caribbean plate margin
P Mann, FW Taylor, RL Edwards, TL Ku
Tectonophysics 246 (1-3), 1-69, 1995
Caribbean tectonics and relative plate motions
K Burke, C Cooper, JF Dewey, P Mann, JL Pindell
The Caribbean-South American plate boundary and regional tectonics 162, 31, 1984
Global catalogue, classification and tectonic origins of restraining-and releasing bends on active and ancient strike-slip fault systems
P Mann
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 290 (1), 13-142, 2007
Oblique collision in the northeastern Caribbean from GPS measurements and geological observations
P Mann, E Calais, JC Ruegg, C DeMets, PE Jansma, GS Mattioli
Tectonics 21 (6), 7-1-7-26, 2002
Neotectonics of the Caribbean
P Mann, K Burke
Reviews of Geophysics 22 (4), 309-362, 1984
Tectonic setting of the world's giant oil and gas fields
P Mann, L Gahagan, MB Gordon
AAPG Special Volumes, 2003
Tectonic implications of tomographic images of subducted lithosphere beneath northwestern South America
R Hilst, P Mann
Geology 22 (5), 451-454, 1994
Global tectonic significance of the Solomon Islands and Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone
P Mann, A Taira
Tectonophysics 389 (3-4), 137-190, 2004
Jurassic-Eocene tectonic evolution of Maracaibo basin, Venezuela
J Lugo, P Mann
AAPG Special Volumes, 1995
Tectonics, basin subsidence mechanisms, and paleogeography of the Caribbean-South American plate boundary zone
A Escalona, P Mann
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (1), 8-39, 2011
Review of Caribbean neotectonics
P Mann, C Schubert, K Burke
The Caribbean Region: DNAG The Geology of North America, volume H, 1991
An overview of the geologic and tectonic development of Hispaniola
P Mann, G Draper, JF Lewis
Geological Society of America Special Papers 262, 1-28, 1991
Caribbean sedimentary basins: Classification and tectonic setting from Jurassic to present
P Mann
Sedimentary basins of the world 4, 3-31, 1999
Complex rupture during the 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake
GP Hayes, RW Briggs, A Sladen, EJ Fielding, C Prentice, K Hudnut, ...
Nature Geoscience 3 (11), 800-805, 2010
Relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates and related boundary zone deformation from a decade of GPS observations
TH Dixon, F Farina, C DeMets, P Jansma, P Mann, E Calais
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B7), 15157-15182, 1998
G Draper, P Mann, JF Lewis
Caribbean geology: an introduction, 129-150, 1994
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