Sophie Holmes-Elliott
Cited by
Cited by
The unstoppable glottal: Tracking rapid change in an iconic British variable
J Smith, S Holmes-Elliott
English Language & Linguistics 22 (3), 323-355, 2018
East end boys and west end girls:/s/-fronting in Southeast England
E Levon, S Holmes-Elliott
University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 19 (2), 111-120, 2013
The substance of style: Gender, social class and interactional stance in/s/-fronting in southeast England
S Holmes-Elliott, E Levon
Linguistics 55 (5), 1045-1072, 2017
Cross-accent intelligibility of speech in noise: Long-term familiarity and short-term familiarization
R Smith, S Holmes-Elliott, M Pettinato, RA Knight
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (3), 590-608, 2014
London calling: Assessing the spread of metropolitan features in the southeast
SEM Holmes-Elliott
University of Glasgow, 2015
Ladies first? Adolescent peaks in a male-led change
S Holmes-Elliott
University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 22 (2), 1-12, 2016
Calibrate to innovate: Community age vectors and the real time incrementation of language change
S Holmes-Elliott
Language in Society 50 (3), 441-474, 2021
Dressing down up north: DRESS-lowering and/l/allophony in a Scottish dialect
S Holmes-Elliott, J Smith
Language Variation and Change 30 (1), 23-50, 2018
Parenting style: From preschool to preadolescence in the acquisition of variation
J Smith, S Holmes-Elliott
NWAV 44, University of Toronto, Canada, 2015
Tracking linguistic change in childhood: Transmission, incrementation, and vernacular reorganization
J Smith, S Holmes-Elliott
Language 98 (1), 98-122, 2022
DRESS-down:/ε/-lowering in apparent time in a rural Scottish community
S Holmes-Elliott, J Smith
Voices, bodies, and the cultural organization of meaning
E Levon, S Holmes-Elliott
Signs and society 12 (1), 58-82, 2024
Mapping syntax and the sociolinguistic monitor
J Smith, S Holmes-Elliott
Explanations in Sociosyntactic Variation, 58-89, 2022
The emergence of gendered production between childhood and adolescence: A real time analysis of/s/in Southern British English
S Holmes-Elliott, J Turner
Data for: The unstoppable glottal: Tracking rapid change in an iconic British variable
J Smith, S Holmes-Elliott
Syracuse University Qualitative Data Repository, 2018
Gender penalty? Linguistic discrimination and perceptions of female football commentators
M Hunt, L Strange, S Holmes-Elliott
Gender and Language, 2024
The jet set: Modern RP and the (re) creation of social distinction
S Holmes-Elliott, E Levon
Language Variation and Change, 1-22, 2024
The urge to unmerge: a case of structural change across the lifespan
M Barnard, RJ Hellyer, S Holmes-Elliott
Guarant International, 2023
Reviews: Bilingualism in the community: Code-switching and grammars in contact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. x+ 372.
S Holmes-Elliott
Journal of Linguistics 55 (4), 905-909, 2019
Rena Torres Cacoullos & Catherine E. Travis, Bilingualism in the community: Code-switching and grammars in contact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press …
S Holmes-Elliott
Journal of Linguistics 55 (4), 905-909, 2019
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Articles 1–20