Xiaoming Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Massive access for 5G and beyond
X Chen, DWK Ng, W Yu, EG Larsson, N Al-Dhahir, R Schober
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 39 (3), 615-637, 2021
A Survey on Multiple-Antenna Techniques for Physical Layer Security
X Chen, DWK Ng, W Gerstacker, HH Chen
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE 19 (2), 1027-1053, 2017
Energy-Efficient Optimization for Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Large-Scale MIMO Systems Employing Energy Beamforming
X Chen, X Wang, X Chen
Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE 2 (6), 667-670, 2013
Enhancing Wireless Information and Power Transfer by Exploiting Multi-Antenna Techniques
X Chen, Z Zhang, HH Chen, H Zhang
Communications Magazine, IEEE 53 (4), 133-141, 2015
Joint spectrum and power allocation for D2D communications underlaying cellular networks
R Yin, C Zhong, G Yu, Z Zhang, KK Wong, X Chen
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 65 (4), 2182-2195, 2016
Wireless Energy and Information Transfer Tradeoff for Limited Feedback Multi-Antenna Systems with Energy Beamforming
X Chen, C Yuen, Z Zhang
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 63 (1), 407-412, 2014
Target sensing with intelligent reflecting surface: Architecture and performance
X Shao, C You, W Ma, X Chen, R Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (7), 2070-2084, 2022
Secrecy Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Challenges and Opportunities
X Chen, DWK Ng, HH Chen
Wireless Communications, IEEE 23 (2), 54-61, 2016
Deep learning for spectrum sensing
J Gao, X Yi, C Zhong, X Chen, Z Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (6), 1727-1730, 2019
Unsupervised learning for passive beamforming
J Gao, C Zhong, X Chen, H Lin, Z Zhang
ieee communications letters 24 (5), 1052-1056, 2020
Cooperative Communications for Cognitive Radio Networks-from Theory to Applications
X Chen, HH Chen, W Meng
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE 16 (3), 1180-1192, 2014
Location information aided multiple intelligent reflecting surface systems
X Hu, C Zhong, Y Zhang, X Chen, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (12), 7948-7962, 2020
Large-Scale MIMO Relaying Techniques for Physical Layer Security: AF or DF?
X Chen, L Lei, H Zhang, C Yuen
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 14 (9), 5135-5146, 2015
Wireless Powered Communications: Performance Analysis and Optimization
C Zhong, X Chen, Z Zhang, G Karagiannidis
Communications, IEEE Transactions on 63 (12), 5178-5190, 2015
Multi-Antenna Relay Aided Wireless Physical Layer Security
X Chen, C Zhong, C Yuen, HH Chen
Communications Magazine, IEEE 53 (12), 40-46, 2015
Distributed Spectrum-Aware Clustering in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks
H Zhang, Z Zhang, H Dai, R Yin, X Chen
Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), 2011 IEEE, 1-6, 2011
Fully Non-Orthogonal Communication for Massive Access
X Chen, Z Zhang, C Zhong, R Jia, DWK Ng
Communications, IEEE Transactions on 66 (4), 1717-1731, 2018
On the design of massive non-orthogonal multiple access with imperfect successive interference cancellation
X Chen, R Jia, DWK Ng
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (3), 2539-2551, 2018
Robust Design for NOMA-based Multi-Beam LEO Satellite Internet of Things
J Chu, X Chen, C Zhong, Z Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (3), 1959-1970, 2021
Exploiting Multiple-Antenna Techniques for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
X Chen, Z Zhang, C Zhong, DWK Ng
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (10), 2207-2220, 2017
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Articles 1–20