Julia Ferrari
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Cited by
Aphid protected from pathogen by endosymbiont
CL Scarborough, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Science 310 (5755), 1781-1781, 2005
Unrelated facultative endosymbionts protect aphids against a fungal pathogen
P Łukasik, M van Asch, H Guo, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Ecology Letters 16 (2), 214-218, 2013
Bacterial symbionts in insects or the story of communities affecting communities
J Ferrari, F Vavre
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological …, 2011
Linking the bacterial community in pea aphids with host‐plant use and natural enemy resistance
J Ferrari, AC Darby, TJ Daniell, HCJ Godfray, AE Douglas
Ecological Entomology 29 (1), 60-65, 2004
Horizontally transmitted symbionts and host colonization of ecological niches
LM Henry, J Peccoud, JC Simon, JD Hadfield, MJC Maiden, J Ferrari, ...
Current Biology, 2013
Population genetic structure and secondary symbionts in host‐associated populations of the pea aphid complex
J Ferrari, JA West, S Via, HCJ Godfray
Evolution 66 (9), 375-390, 2012
Clonal variation and covariation in aphid resistance to parasitoids and a pathogen
J Ferrari, CB Müller, AR Kraaijeveld, HCJ Godfray
Evolution 55 (9), 1805-1814, 2001
Heritable symbionts in a world of varying temperature
C Corbin, ER Heyworth, J Ferrari, GDD Hurst
Heredity 118 (1), 10-20, 2017
Genotypic variation and the role of defensive endosymbionts in an all‐parthenogenetic host–parasitoid interaction
C Vorburger, C Sandrock, A Gouskov, LE Castañeda, J Ferrari
Evolution 63 (6), 1439-1450, 2009
Genetic variation in the effect of a facultative symbiont on host-plant use by pea aphids
J Ferrari, CL Scarborough, HCJ Godfray
Oecologia 153, 323-329, 2007
Insect life history and the evolution of bacterial mutualism
LM Henry, MCJ Maiden, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Ecology Letters 18 (6), 516-525, 2015
Effects of bacterial secondary symbionts on host plant use in pea aphids
AHC McLean, M van Asch, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1706), 760-766, 2011
Protection against a fungal pathogen conferred by the aphid facultative endosymbionts Rickettsia and Spiroplasma is expressed in multiple host genotypes and species and is not …
P Łukasik, H Guo, M van Asch, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2013
Population differentiation and genetic variation in host choice among pea aphids from eight host plant genera
J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray, AS Faulconbridge, K Prior, S Via
Evolution 60 (8), 1574-1584, 2006
Population differentiation and genetic variation in performance on eight hosts in the pea aphid complex
J Ferrari, S Via, HCJ Godfray
Evolution 62 (10), 2508-2524, 2008
Costs of resistance in insect-parasite and insect-parasitoid interactions
AR Kraaijeveld, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Parasitology 125 (07), S71-S82, 2002
A facultative endosymbiont in aphids can provide diverse ecological benefits
ER Heyworth, J Ferrari
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (10), 1753-1760, 2015
Large‐scale candidate gene scan reveals the role of chemoreceptor genes in host plant specialisation and speciation in the pea aphid
CM Smadja, B Canbäck, R Vitalis, M Gautier, J Ferrari, JJ Zhou, RK Butlin
Evolution 66 (9), 2723-2738, 2012
The diversity and fitness effects of infection with facultative endosymbionts in the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae
P Łukasik, MA Dawid, J Ferrari, HCJ Godfray
Oecologia, 2013
Genetic variation and covariation of susceptibility to parasitoids in the aphid Myzus persicae: no evidence for trade-offs
S Von Burg, J Ferrari, CB Müller, C Vorburger
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1638), 1089-1094, 2008
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Articles 1–20