Kishore Venk
Kishore Venk
Data Scientist, USA
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Indian MST radar 1. System description and sample vector wind measurements in ST mode
PB Rao, AR Jain, P Kishore, P Balamuralidhar, SH Damle, ...
Radio Science 30 (4), 1125-1138, 1995
Precipitation climatology over India: validation with observations and reanalysis datasets and spatial trends
P Kishore, S Jyothi, G Basha, SVB Rao, M Rajeevan, I Velicogna, ...
Climate dynamics 46, 541-556, 2016
Groundwater rejuvenation in parts of India influenced by water-policy change implementation
SN Bhanja, A Mukherjee, M Rodell, Y Wada, S Chattopadhyay, ...
Nature Scientific Reports, 2017
Historical and Projected Surface Temperature over India during the 20th and 21st century
G Basha, P Kishore, MV Ratnam, A Jayaraman, A Agha Kouchak, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2987, 2017
Irrigation in India: Status, challenges and options
R Jain, P Kishore, DK Singh
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 18 (4), 354-363, 2019
Assessment of CMIP6 Cloud Fraction and Comparison with Satellite Observations
P Preetham Vignesh, JH Jiang, K P, H Su, T Smay, N Brighton, ...
Earth and Space Science 7 (2), 21 pages, 2020
Global (50 S–50 N) distribution of water vapor observed by COSMIC GPS RO: Comparison with GPS radiosonde, NCEP, ERA-Interim, and JRA-25 reanalysis data sets
P Kishore, MV Ratnam, SP Namboothiri, I Velicogna, G Basha, JH Jiang, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (13), 1849-1860, 2011
Circular economy fertilization: Phycoremediated algal biomass as biofertilizers for sustainable crop production
GK Sharma, SA Khan, M Shrivastava, R Bhattacharyya, A Sharma, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 287, 112295, 2021
Global temperature estimates in the troposphere and stratosphere: a validation study of COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 measurements
P Kishore, SP Namboothiri, JH Jiang, V Sivakumar, K Igarashi
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (3), 897-908, 2009
Studies on refractivity structure constant, eddy dissipation rate, and momentum flux at a tropical latitude
DN Rao, P Kishore, TN Rao, SVB Rao, KK Reddy, M Yarraiah, M Hareesh
Radio Science 32 (4), 1375-1389, 1997
Longitudinal and latitudinal variations in dynamic characteristics of the MLT (70-95km): a study involving the CUJO network
AH Manson, CE Meek, T Chshyolkova, SK Avery, D Thorsen, ...
Annales Geophysicae 22 (2), 347-365, 2004
MF radar observations of 6.5-day wave in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere
P Kishore, SP Namboothiri, K Igarashi, S Gurubaran, S Sridharan, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (6-9), 507-515, 2004
Global climatology of planetary boundary layer top obtained from multi-satellite GPS RO observations
G Basha, P Kishore, MV Ratnam, S Ravindra Babu, I Velicogna, JH Jiang, ...
Climate Dynamics 52, 2385-2398, 2019
Climatological characteristics of the tropopause parameters derived from GPS/CHAMP and GPS/SAC‐C measurements
P Kishore, SP Namboothiri, K Igarashi, JH Jiang, CO Ao, LJ Romans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D20), 2006
Asian summer monsoon anticyclone: trends and variability
G Basha, MV Ratnam, P Kishore
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (11), 6789-6801, 2020
Climatological studies of the quasi 16-day oscillations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at Yamagawa (31.2 N, 130.6 E), Japan
SP Namboothiri, P Kishore, K Igarashi
Annales Geophysicae 20 (8), 1239-1246, 2002
Analysis and performance of edge filtering interrogation scheme for FBG sensor using SMS fiber and OTDR
K Dey, S Roy, P Kishore, MS Shankar, RK Buddu, R Ranjan
Results in Optics 2, 100039, 2021
Soil Moisture Variability in India: Relationship of Land Surface–Atmosphere Fields Using Maximum Covariance Analysis
P Kishore, I Velicogna, geruao, Yara, Enrico, Sravani, Basha, SVBRao
Remote Sensing 11, 1-19, 2019
A novel thermal decomposition approach for the synthesis of silica-iron oxide core–shell nanoparticles
PNR Kishore, P Jeevanandam
Journal of alloys and compounds 522, 51-62, 2012
Sole-or dual-crop basis residue mulching and Zn fertilization lead to improved productivity, rhizo-modulation and soil health in zero-tilled pigeonpea–wheat cropping system
A Kumar, KS Rana, AK Choudhary, RS Bana, VK Sharma, G Gupta, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22 (2), 1193-1214, 2022
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