Lee Cunningham
Lee Cunningham
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Simulating masonry wall behaviour using a simplified micro-model approach
KF Abdulla, LS Cunningham, M Gillie
Engineering Structures 151, 349-365, 2017
Effect of using recycled waste glass coarse aggregates on the hydrodynamic abrasion resistance of concrete
N Omoding, LS Cunningham, GF Lane-Serff
Construction and Building materials 268, 121177, 2021
Progressive collapse analysis of composite steel frames subject to fire following earthquake
R Suwondo, L Cunningham, M Gillie, C Bailey
Fire safety journal 103, 49-58, 2019
Behaviour of RC beams strengthened in flexure with hybrid CFRP-reinforced UHPC overlays
MMA Kadhim, A Jawdhari, W Nadir, LS Cunningham
Engineering Structures 262, 114356, 2022
Experimental and numerical investigation into strengthening flat slabs at corner columns with externally bonded CFRP
BQ Abdulrahman, Z Wu, LS Cunningham
Construction and Building Materials 139, 132-147, 2017
Microscopic study into biodeterioration of marine concrete
P Hughes, D Fairhurst, I Sherrington, N Renevier, LHG Morton, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 79, 14-19, 2013
GIS-based assessment of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes in central Iraq
ZF Makki, AA Zuhaira, SM Al-Jubouri, RKS Al-Hamd, LS Cunningham
Environmental monitoring and assessment 193 (2), 107, 2021
Experimental study of CFRP strengthened steel columns subject to lateral impact loads
MMA Kadhim, Z Wu, LS Cunningham
Composite Structures 185, 94-104, 2018
Modelling of tsunami-induced bore and structure interaction
G Pringgana, LS Cunningham, BD Rogers
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and …, 2016
Behaviour of stainless and high strength steel bolt assemblies at elevated temperatures—A review
MA Shaheen, ASJ Foster, LS Cunningham, S Afshan
Fire Safety Journal 113, 102975, 2020
Tsunami wave and structure interaction: an investigation with smoothed-particle hydrodynamics
LS Cunningham, BD Rogers, G Pringgana
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and …, 2014
Inspection of concrete bridge structures: Case study comparing conventional techniques with a virtual reality approach
M Omer, L Margetts, MH Mosleh, LS Cunningham
Journal of Bridge Engineering 26 (10), 05021010, 2021
Static and fatigue behaviour of the bond interface between concrete and externally bonded CFRP in single shear
RA Daud, LS Cunningham, YC Wang
Engineering Structures 97, 54-67, 2015
Experimental investigation of CFRP-strengthened steel beams with web openings
MJ Altaee, LS Cunningham, M Gillie
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 138, 750-760, 2017
Influence of orientation and arrangement of structures on Tsunami impact forces: Numerical investigation with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
G Pringgana, LS Cunningham, BD Rogers
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 147 (3), 04021006, 2021
Microscopic examination of a new mechanism for accelerated degradation of synthetic fibre reinforced marine concrete
P Hughes, D Fairhurst, I Sherrington, N Renevier, LHG Morton, ...
Construction and Building Materials 41, 498-504, 2013
Numerical investigation of non-shear-reinforced UHPC hybrid flat slabs subject to punching shear
MMA Kadhim, AR Saleh, LS Cunningham, AA Semendary
Engineering Structures 241, 112444, 2021
Improved concrete plastic-damage model for FRP-confined concrete based on true tri-axial experiment
B Li, J Jiang, H Xiong, Y Zhan, Z Wu, LS Cunningham
Composite Structures 269, 114051, 2021
Experimental study on the mechanical properties of straw fiber–reinforced adobe masonry
KF Abdulla, LS Cunningham, M Gillie
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (11), 04020322, 2020
New model for post-fatigue behaviour of CFRP to concrete bond interface in single shear
RA Daud, LS Cunningham, YC Wang
Composite Structures 163, 63-76, 2017
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Articles 1–20