Mariano Fernandez-Navarro
Mariano Fernandez-Navarro
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Cited by
Evaluation of policy-based admission control algorithms for a joint radio resource management environment
SL Ramírez, MT Genovés, MF Navarro, R Skehill, S McGrath
MELECON 2006-2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 599-603, 2006
A deep-learning model for estimating the impact of social events on traffic demand on a cell basis
JL Bejarano-Luque, M Toril, M Fernandez-Navarro, C Gijon, ...
IEEE Access 9, 71673-71686, 2021
A data-driven algorithm for indoor/outdoor detection based on connection traces in a LTE network
JL Bejarano-Luque, M Toril, M Fernández-Navarro, R Acedo-Hernández, ...
IEEE Access 7, 65877-65888, 2019
Adjustment of a fuzzy logic controller for IS-HO parameters in a heterogeneous scenario
S Luna-Ramírez, M Toril, F Ruiz, M Fernandez-Navarro
MELECON 2008-The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 29-34, 2008
Optimizing the GSM/EDGE air interface for multiple services with dynamic frequency and channel assignment
M Salmenkaita, J Gimenez, P Tapia, M Fernandez-Navarro
Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference 4, 2215-2219, 2002
Optimal traffic sharing in GERAN
S Luna-Ramírez, M Toril, M Fernández–Navarro, V Wille
Wireless Personal Communications 57, 553-574, 2011
Simulation of heterogeneous optical channel for indoor wireless infrared communications
MF Navarro, AP Notario
Proceedings of 8th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference on Industrial …, 1996
Analysis of dynamic frequency and channel assignment in irregular network environment
J Gimenez, P Tapia, M Salmenkaita, M Fernandez-Navarro
The 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia …, 2002
Characterization of radio signal strength fluctuations in road scenarios for cellular vehicular network planning in LTE
M Toril, V Wille, S Luna-Ramirez, M Fernandez-Navarro, F Ruiz-Vega
IEEE Access 9, 33120-33131, 2021
A context-aware data-driven algorithm for small cell site selection in cellular networks
JL Bejarano-Luque, M Toril, M Fernández-Navarro, AJ García, ...
IEEE Access 8, 105335-105350, 2020
Efficient star-topology solving local minima for geolocation in real UMTS networks: An experimental assessment with real data
JA García-Fernández, A Jurado-Navas, M Fernández-Navarro, C Ubeda
Wireless Personal Communications 85 (4), 2115-2140, 2015
Inter-system cell reselection parameter auto-tuning in a joint-RRM scenario
I De La Bandera, S Luna-Ramírez, R Barco, M Toril, F Ruiz, ...
2010 Fifth International Conference on Broadband and Biomedical …, 2010
A comparative study between iterative algorithms for TDOA based geolocation techniques in real UMTS networks
JA García-Fernández, A Jurado-Navas, M Fernández-Navarro, C Úbeda
Mobile Networks and Applications 25, 1290-1298, 2020
Método basado en multilateración para geolocalización y sincronización en redes UMTS
JA Garcia-Fernandez, A Jurado-Navas, M Fernandez-Navarro, C Ubeda
XXIX Simposium Nacional de la URSI, 2014
Inter-system handover parameter auto-tuning in a joint-RRM scenario
S Luna-Ramirez, F Ruiz, M Toril, M Fernandez-Navarro
VTC Spring 2008-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2641-2645, 2008
Análisis del canal en sistemas de comunicación óptica no guiada por difusión total
MF Navarro, AP Notario
IX Simposium Nacional: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 21-23 de septiembre de …, 1994
Experimental assessment of a novel geolocation algorithm based on OTDOA technique in real UMTS networks
JA García-Fernández, A Jurado-Navas, M Fernández-Navarro, C Úbeda
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol 3 (5), 2015
On the Improvement of Cellular Coverage Maps by Filtering MDT Measurements
JM Sánchez-Martín, M Toril, V Wille, C Gijón, M Fernández-Navarro
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22 (7), 4119-4133, 2022
Statistical model for mobile user positioning based on social information
JL Bejarano-Luque, M Toril, M Fernández-Navarro, LR Jiménez, ...
Electronics 10 (15), 1782, 2021
Method Based on Confidence Radius to Adjust the Location of Mobile Terminals
JA García-Fernández, A Jurado-Navas, M Fernández-Navarro, N Sucevic
Wireless Personal Communications 94 (3), 1123-1146, 2017
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Articles 1–20