The blind men and the elephant: the explanation of gentrification C Hamnett Transactions of the institute of British Geographers, 173-189, 1991 | 1182 | 1991 |
Social polarisation in global cities: theory and evidence C Hamnett Urban studies 31 (3), 401-424, 1994 | 903 | 1994 |
Gentrification and the middle-class remaking of inner London, 1961-2001 C Hamnett Urban studies 40 (12), 2401-2426, 2003 | 863 | 2003 |
Unequal city: London in the global arena C Hamnett Routledge, 2004 | 821 | 2004 |
Geography matters!: a reader D Massey, J Allen Cambridge University Press, 1984 | 587 | 1984 |
Shrinking the state: The political underpinnings of privatization H Feigenbaum, J Henig, C Hamnett Cambridge University Press, 1998 | 553 | 1998 |
Social polarisation, economic restructuring and welfare state regimes C Hamnett Urban segregation and the welfare state, 15-27, 2013 | 510 | 2013 |
The geography of education: Introduction T Butler, C Hamnett Urban studies 44 (7), 1161-1174, 2007 | 377 | 2007 |
Gentrification and urban location theory: A review and assessment C Hamnett progress in reserch and applications, 283-319, 1984 | 374 | 1984 |
A shrinking world?: global unevenness and inequality J Allen, C Hamnett Oxford University Press, 1995 | 257 | 1995 |
Loft conversion and gentrification in London: from industrial to postindustrial land use C Hamnett, D Whitelegg Environment and planning A 39 (1), 106-124, 2007 | 233 | 2007 |
Winners and losers C Hamnett Routledge, 2005 | 218 | 2005 |
Ethnicity, class and aspiration: understanding London's new East End T Butler, C Hamnett Policy Press, 2011 | 204 | 2011 |
Gentrification, postindustrialism, and industrial and occupational restructuring in global cities C Hamnett A Companion to the City, 331-341, 2000 | 189 | 2000 |
Social change in London: a study of gentrification C Hamnett, P Williams The London Journal 6 (1), 51-66, 1980 | 184 | 1980 |
Improvement grants as an indicator of gentrification in inner London C Hamnett Area, 252-261, 1973 | 183 | 1973 |
Social segregation and social polarization C Hamnett Handbook of urban studies, 162-176, 2001 | 177 | 2001 |
Inward and upward: marking out social class change in London, 1981—2001 T Butler, C Hamnett, M Ramsden Urban Studies 45 (1), 67-88, 2008 | 169 | 2008 |
Socio-economic change in London: professionalization not polarization C Hamnett Built Environment (1978-), 192-203, 1994 | 166 | 1994 |
Gentrification, Education and Exclusionary Displacement in E ast L ondon T Butler, C Hamnett, MJ Ramsden International journal of urban and regional research 37 (2), 556-575, 2013 | 157 | 2013 |