Bartosz Kryza
Cited by
Cited by
Towards a security-enhanced PaaS platform for multi-cloud applications
K Kritikos, T Kirkham, B Kryza, P Massonet
Future Generation Computer Systems 67, 206-226, 2017
Grid organizational memory—provision of a high-level Grid abstraction layer supported by ontology alignment
B Kryza, R Słota, M Majewska, J Pieczykolan, J Kitowski
Future Generation Computer Systems 23 (3), 348-358, 2007
Translation of common information model to web ontology language
M Majewska, B Kryza, J Kitowski
Computational Science–ICCS 2007: 7th International Conference, Beijing …, 2007
Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources in an Ontological Knowledge Base.
A Myłka, A Myłka, B Kryza, J Kitowski
Computing & Informatics 31 (1), 2012
Interactive cloud data farming environment for military mission planning support
B Kryza, D Król, M Wrzeszcz, Ł Dutka, J Kitowski
Computer Science 13 (3), 89-89, 2012
Formal model for contract negotiation in knowledge-based virtual organizations
M Zuzek, M Talik, T Świerczyński, C Wiśniewski, B Kryza, Ł Dutka, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2008: 8th International Conference, Kraków …, 2008
Massively scalable platform for data farming supporting heterogeneous infrastructure
D Król, M Wrzeszcz, B Kryza, L Dutka, J Kitowski
The Fourth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and …, 2013
Grid organization memory for knowledge management for grid environment
K Krawczyk, R Slota, M Majewska, B Kryza, J Kitowski
Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop, CGW 4, 12-15, 2004
Dynamic VO establishment in distributed heterogeneous business environments
B Kryza, L Dutka, R Slota, J Kitowski
International Conference on Computational Science, 709-718, 2009
Towards European open science commons: the EGI open data platform and the EGI dataHub
M Viljoen, Ł Dutka, B Kryza, Y Chen
Procedia Computer Science 97, 148-152, 2016
Elastic infrastructure for interactive data farming experiments
D Krol, B Kryza, M Wrzeszcz, L Dutka, J Kitowski
Procedia Computer Science 9, 206-215, 2012
Grid Organizational Memory: a versatile solution for ontology management in the Grid
B Kryza, J Pieczykolan, J Kitowski
2006 Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e …, 2006
Component-expert architecture for supporting grid workflow construction based on knowledge
L Dutka, B Kryza, K Krawczyk, M Majewska, R Slota, L Hluchy, J Kitowski
Innovation and the Knowledge Economy. Issues, Applications, Case Studies 2 …, 2005
Unifying grid metadata representations through ontologies
B Kryza, M Majewska, R Słota, J Kitowski
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 683-690, 2005
Storage management systems for organizationally distributed environments PLGrid PLUS case study
R Słota, Ł Dutka, M Wrzeszcz, B Kryza, D Nikolow, D Król, J Kitowski
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 10th International Conference …, 2014
A toolkit for storage qos provisioning for data-intensive applications
R Słota, D Król, K Skałkowski, B Kryza, D Nikołow, M Orzechowski, ...
Building a National Distributed e-Infrastructure–PL-Grid: Scientific and …, 2012
Security enforcement for multi-cloud platforms–the case of paasage
K Kritikos, T Kirkham, B Kryza, P Massonet
Procedia Computer Science 68, 103-115, 2015
FiVO/QStorMan semantic toolkit for supporting data-intensive applications in distributed environments
R Słota, D Nikołow, J Kitowski, D Król, B Kryza
Computing and Informatics 31 (5), 1003-1024, 2012
Handling internal complexity in highly realistic agent-based models of human behaviour
L Hluchę, M Kvassay, Š Dlugolinskę, B Schneider, H Bracker, B Kryza, ...
2011 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence …, 2011
Semi-automatic creation of adapters for legacy application migration to integration platform using knowledge
J Pieczykolan, B Kryza, J Kitowski
International Conference on Computational Science, 252-259, 2006
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Articles 1–20