Katja H. Brunk
Katja H. Brunk
Professor of Marketing, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Germany
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Cited by
Exploring origins of ethical company/brand perceptions—A consumer perspective of corporate ethics
KH Brunk
Journal of business research 63 (3), 255-262, 2010
Un/ethical company and brand perceptions: Conceptualising and operationalising consumer meanings
KH Brunk
Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4), 551-565, 2012
One strike and you're out: Qualitative insights into the formation of consumers' ethical company or brand perceptions
KH Brunk, C Blümelhuber
Journal of Business Research 64 (2), 134-141, 2011
Nostalgia marketing and (re-) enchantment
BJ Hartmann, KH Brunk
International Journal of Research in Marketing 36 (4), 669-686, 2019
Reputation building: beyond our control? Inferences in consumers' ethical perception formation
KH Brunk
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 9 (4), 275-292, 2010
How do consumers reconcile positive and negative CSR-related information to form an ethical brand perception? A mixed method inquiry
KH Brunk, C De Boer
Journal of Business Ethics 161, 443-458, 2020
Creating a Consumable Past: How Memory Making Shapes Marketization
KH Brunk, M Giesler, BJ Hartmann
Journal of Consumer Research, DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucx100, 2017
Isolation in globalizing academic fields: A collaborative autoethnography of early career researchers
M Belkhir, M Brouard, KH Brunk, M Dalmoro, MC Ferreira, B Figueiredo, ...
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 261-285, 2019
Conceptual advances in consumers’ semantic and episodic brand memories: A mixed methods exploration
M Herz, KH Brunk
Psychology & Marketing 34 (1), 70-91, 2017
Exploring origins of ethical company/brand perceptions: Reply to Shea and Cohn's commentaries
KH Brunk
Journal of Business Research 63 (12), 1364-1367, 2010
The Routledge companion to contemporary brand management
FDO Riley, J Singh, C Blankson
Routledge, 2016
The impact of un/ethical corporate conduct on consumers' ethical perceptions-a multidimensional framework
KH Brunk, C Bluemelhuber
Advances in Consumer Research 37, 368-373, 2010
Ethical brand perception formation when information is inconsistent-An impression formation perspective
C DeBoer
Advances in Consumer Research 43, 2015
Consumer perceived ethicality: an impression formation perspective
KH Brunk
European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), 1-4, 2010
Marketing the past: a literature review and future directions for researching retro, heritage, nostalgia, and vintage
C Dam, BJ Hartmann, KH Brunk
Journal of Marketing Management, 1-25, 2024
“Upload Your Impact”: Can Digital Enclaves Enable Participation in Racialized Markets?
M Brouard, KH Brunk, M Campana, M Dalmoro, MC Ferreira, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 42 (1), 56-73, 2023
Shedding Light on the Ethical Consumer Debate: Evidence from a Qualitative Investigation of Body Shop Consumers
KH Brunk
The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientations in a Dynamic …, 2017
Negotiating the Merger of Contrasting Consumer Cultures: Ideological Myth and Identity
BJ Hartmann, KH Brunk
NA-Advances in Consumer Research 43, 358-363, 2015
The aestheticization of past-themed consumption
I Dagalp, K Brunk, B Hartmann
Advances in Consumer Research 48, 47-51, 2020
Towards a better understanding of the ethical brand and its management
KH Brunk
The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management, 280-293, 2016
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Articles 1–20