Frank Rademakers
Frank Rademakers
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How to diagnose diastolic heart failure: a consensus statement on the diagnosis of heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction by the Heart Failure and …
WJ Paulus, C Tschöpe, JE Sanderson, C Rusconi, FA Flachskampf, ...
European heart journal 28 (20), 2539-2550, 2007
Autologous bone marrow-derived stem-cell transfer in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: double-blind, randomised controlled trial
S Janssens, C Dubois, J Bogaert, K Theunissen, C Deroose, W Desmet, ...
The Lancet 367 (9505), 113-121, 2006
Regional strain and strain rate measurements by cardiac ultrasound: principles, implementation and limitations
J D'hooge, A Heimdal, F Jamal, T Kukulski, B Bijnens, F Rademakers, ...
European Journal of Echocardiography 1 (3), 154-170, 2000
Clinical indications for cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR): Consensus Panel report
DJ Pennell, UP Sechtem, CB Higgins, WJ Manning, GM Pohost, ...
European heart journal 25 (21), 1940-1965, 2004
Triple control of relaxation: implications in cardiac disease.
DL Brutsaert, FE Rademakers, SU Sys
Circulation 69 (1), 190-196, 1984
Myocardial function defined by strain rate and strain during alterations in inotropic states and heart rate
F Weidemann, F Jamal, GR Sutherland, P Claus, M Kowalski, L Hatle, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 283 (2 …, 2002
Regional nonuniformity of normal adult human left ventricle
J Bogaert, FE Rademakers
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 280 (2 …, 2001
Relation of regional cross-fiber shortening to wall thickening in the intact heart. Three-dimensional strain analysis by NMR tagging.
FE Rademakers, WJ Rogers, WH Guier, GM Hutchins, CO Siu, ...
Circulation 89 (3), 1174-1182, 1994
Dissociation between left ventricular untwisting and filling. Accentuation by catecholamines.
FE Rademakers, MB Buchalter, WJ Rogers, EA Zerhouni, ML Weisfeldt, ...
Circulation 85 (4), 1572-1581, 1992
Can natural strain and strain rate quantify regional myocardial deformation? A study in healthy subjects
M Kowalski, T Kukulski, F Jamal, J D’hooge, F Weidemann, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 27 (8), 1087-1097, 2001
Visualization of ventricular thrombi with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in patients with ischemic heart disease
NR Mollet, S Dymarkowski, W Volders, J Wathiong, L Herbots, ...
Circulation 106 (23), 2873-2876, 2002
Impact of myocardial haemorrhage on left ventricular function and remodelling in patients with reperfused acute myocardial infarction
J Ganame, G Messalli, S Dymarkowski, FE Rademakers, W Desmet, ...
European heart journal 30 (12), 1440-1449, 2009
Morphological and functional adaptation of the maternal heart during pregnancy
O Savu, R Jurcuţ, S Giuşcă, T van Mieghem, I Gussi, BA Popescu, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 5 (3), 289-297, 2012
Quantification of regional left and right ventricular radial and longitudinal function in healthy children using ultrasound-based strain rate and strain imaging
F Weidemann, B Eyskens, F Jamal, L Mertens, M Kowalski, J D'Hooge, ...
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 15 (1), 20-28, 2002
Feasibility of strain and strain rate imaging for the assessment of regional left atrial deformation: a study in normal subjects
C Sirbu, L Herbots, J D'hooge, P Claus, A Marciniak, T Langeland, ...
European Journal of Echocardiography 7 (3), 199-208, 2006
Scheduling operating rooms: achievements, challenges and pitfalls
M Samudra, C Van Riet, E Demeulemeester, B Cardoen, N Vansteenkiste, ...
Journal of scheduling 19, 493-525, 2016
Imaging in population science: cardiovascular magnetic resonance in 100,000 participants of UK Biobank-rationale, challenges and approaches
SE Petersen, PM Matthews, F Bamberg, DA Bluemke, JM Francis, ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 15, 1-10, 2013
Deformation imaging describes right ventricular function better than longitudinal displacement of the tricuspid ring
S Giusca, V Dambrauskaite, C Scheurwegs, J D'hooge, P Claus, ...
Heart 96 (4), 281-288, 2010
Remodeling of T-Tubules and Reduced Synchrony of Ca2+ Release in Myocytes From Chronically Ischemic Myocardium
FR Heinzel, V Bito, L Biesmans, M Wu, E Detre, F Von Wegner, P Claus, ...
Circulation research 102 (3), 338-346, 2008
Noninvasive measurement of shortening in the fiber and cross-fiber directions in the normal human left ventricle and in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
GA MacGowan, EP Shapiro, H Azhari, CO Siu, PS Hees, GM Hutchins, ...
Circulation 96 (2), 535-541, 1997
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Articles 1–20