James O'Brien
James O'Brien
Risk Frontiers
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Visual semiotics & uncertainty visualization: An empirical study
AM MacEachren, RE Roth, J O'Brien, B Li, D Swingley, M Gahegan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (12), 2496-2505, 2012
Exploring 167 years of vulnerability: An examination of extreme heat events in Australia 1844–2010
L Coates, K Haynes, J O’brien, J McAneney, FD De Oliveira
Environmental Science & Policy 42, 33-44, 2014
Spatial analysis of precipitation intensity and concentration in Iran
B Alijani, J O’Brien, B Yarnal
Theoretical and Applied climatology 94, 107-124, 2008
Significant association with location of central venous line placement and risk of venous thrombosis in children
C Male, JA Julian, P Massicotte, M Gent, L Mitchell, ...
Thrombosis and haemostasis 94 (09), 516-521, 2005
Cartoblography: Experiments in using and organising the spatial context of micro‐blogging
K Field, J O'Brien
Transactions in GIS 14, 5-23, 2010
TSTL: the template scripting testing language
J Holmes, A Groce, J Pinto, P Mittal, P Azimi, K Kellar, J O’Brien
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 20, 57-78, 2018
Paper maps or GPS? Exploring differences in way finding behaviour and spatial knowledge acquisition
K Field, J O’Brien, L Beale
25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, France, 2011
Exploring the transformation in occupational identity: Perspectives from brain injury survivors
M Bryson-Campbell, L Shaw, J O'Brien, J Holmes
Journal of Occupational Science 23 (2), 208-216, 2016
Sustainable communities on a sustainable planet: The human-environment regional observatory project
B Yarnal, C Polsky, J O'Brien
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Accuracy of remote sensing data versus other sources of information for estimating net primary production in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Pinus pinaster Ait …
DM Lopes, JT Aranha, N Walford, J O'Brien, N Lucas
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (1), 37-53, 2009
A knowledge framework for representing, manipulating and reasoning with geographic semantics
J O'Brien, M Gahegan
ISPRS Workshop on Spatial Analysis and Decision Making, 2004
Exploring cartographic design in socialnetwork map mashups
K Field, J O’Brien, W Cartwright
Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, 3-8, 2011
The use of crowd sourcing for gathering information about natural disasters
D Bird, K Haynes, M Ling, J O’Brien
Risk Frontiers Newsletter 11 (2), 1-4, 2011
Mapping social-network interactions
J O’Brien, K Field
Online Maps with APIs and WebServices, 241-263, 2012
Townsville 2019 flood: Insights from the field
A Gissing, J O’Brien, S Hussein, J Evans, T Mortlock
Risk Front. Brief. Note 389, 1-8, 2019
Developing a Geo-Collaborative Web Map to Support Student Fieldwork
J O’Brien, K Field
Geospatial Visualisation, 139-158, 2013
Mobilising remote student engagement on field trips
T Linsey, A Ooms, S Downward, K Field, J O'Brien
JISC Final Report
T Linsey, R Hall, A Ooms, P Taylor, M Andrew, J O’Brien, K Field, ...
Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology., 2010
Representing, manipulating and reasoning with geographic semantics within a knowledge framework
PF Fisher, J O’Brien, M Gahegan
Developments in Spatial Data Handling: 11 th International Symposium on …, 2005
GISmate: A framework for representing, manipulating and reasoning with geographic semantics
JA O'Brien
The Pennsylvania State University, 2004
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Articles 1–20