Hemalatha Muthuganesan
Hemalatha Muthuganesan
PhD student, Tyndall National Institute
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Cited by
On-chip chemical sensing using slot-waveguide-based ring resonator
V Mere, H Muthuganesan, Y Kar, C Van Kruijsdijk, SK Selvaraja
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (11), 5970-5975, 2020
On-chip unidirectional dual-band fiber-chip grating coupler in silicon nitride
S Nambiar, H Muthuganesan, T Sharma, SK Selvaraja
OSA Continuum 1 (3), 864-871, 2018
100 Gbps PAM4 ultra-thin photodetectors integrated on SOI platform by micro transfer printing
H Muthuganesan, E Mura, S Chugh, C Antony, E Pelucchi, P Townsend, ...
Optics Express 31 (22), 36273-36280, 2023
Integrated silicon nitride based TE dual-band grating coupler
S Nambiar, M Hemalatha, T Sharma, SK Selvaraja
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CI_P_4, 2017
New and efficient sacrificial layer for transfer printing technology
H Muthuganesan, FB Atar, A Gocalinska, E Pelucchi, B Corbett
ECIO 2022, 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics, 79-81, 2022
Silicon slot waveguide based bulk refractive index sensing of electrolyte and carbohydrate
V Mere, H Muthuganesan, P Dasgupta, N Bhat, SK Selvaraja
European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), Ghent, Belgium, 2019
Integration of High-Performance InGaAs/GaN Photodetectors by Direct Bonding via Micro-transfer Printing
Y Liu, Z Li, FB Atar, H Muthuganesan, B Corbett, L Wang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (8), 10996-11002, 2024
Micro-transfer printed InGaAs photodetector on SOI platform
H Muthuganesan, E Mura, E Pelucchi, C Littlejohns, X Yan, M Banakar, ...
2023 IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference (SiPhotonics), 1-2, 2023
Grating Fiber-Chip Coupler in Silicon/Silicon Nitride hybrid Waveguide
H Muthuganesan, R Dash, SK Selvaraja
20th European Conference on Integrated Optics, 2018
Asymmetric transmission and optical low-pass filtering in a stack of random media with graded transport mean free path
J Bingi, M Hemalatha, RW Anita, C Vijayan, VM Murukeshan
Optical Materials 49, 15-20, 2015
Micro-transfer print integration of high-speed photodetectors to
H Muthuganesan
Micro-transfer print integration of high-speed photodetectors to SOI platform
H Muthuganesan
University College Cork, 2024
Asymmetric transmission and optical low-pass filtering in a stack of random media with graded transport mean free path
B Jayachandra, M Hemalatha, RW Anita, C Vijayan, VM Murukeshan
AlN-on-Sapphire Grating Couplers for Photonics Integrated Circuits
PD Mahapatra, H Muthuganesan, R Kallege, S Rathkanthiwar, A Kalra, ...
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Articles 1–14