Barun Deb Pal
Barun Deb Pal
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Farmers’ preferences for climate-smart agriculture—An assessment in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
G Taneja, BD Pal, PK Joshi, PK Aggarwal, NK Tyagi
Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia: Technologies, Policies and …, 2019
Multi-objective land use allocation modelling for prioritizing climate-smart agricultural interventions
A Dunnett, PB Shirsath, PK Aggarwal, P Thornton, PK Joshi, BD Pal, ...
Ecological modelling 381, 23-35, 2018
Social accounting matrix for India
B Deb Pal, S Pohit, J Roy
Economic Systems Research 24 (1), 77-99, 2012
Adoption of climate-smart agriculture technology in droughtprone area of India – implications on farmers’ livelihoods
KHA Barun Deb Pal, Shreya Kapoor, Sunil Saroj, M.L. Jat, Yogesh Kumar
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 2021
Key drivers of Indian greenhouse gas emissions
J Karstensen, J Roy, BD Pal, G Peters, R Andrew
Econ. Polit. Weekly 55, 46-53, 2020
Social accounting matrix for India
VP Ojha, BD Pal, S Pohit, J Roy
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Input–Output Techniques …, 2009
GHG emissions and economic growth: A computable general equilibrium model based analysis for India
BD Pal, VP Ojha, S Pohit, J Roy
Springer, 2014
Unfolding government policies towards the development of climate smart agriculture in India
KJPKA Avinash Kishore, Barun Deb Pal
Agricultural Economics Research Review 31 (Conference), 123-137, 2018
Climate smart agriculture in South Asia
BD Pal, A Kishore, PK Joshi, NK Tyagi
London (UK): Springer Publishers. doi 10, 978-981, 2019
Spatial reproduction of urban poverty in global city
KC Smitha, BD Pal
Economic and Political Weekly 53 (3), 67, 2018
Environmentally extended social accounting matrix for climate change policy analysis for India
BD Pal, S Pohit
Journal of Regional Development and Planning 3 (1), 61-76, 2014
Two-way association between agriculture and climate change
BD Pal, PK Joshi, NK Tyagi
Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia: Technologies, Policies and …, 2019
Impact of economic growth on climate change: an environmentally extended social accounting matrix (ESAM) based approach for India
B Pal, S Pohit, J Roy
Economy-wide impact of climate smart agriculture in India: a SAM framework
A Ajatasatru, V Prabhu, BD Pal, K Mukhopadhyay
Journal of Economic Structures 13 (1), 4, 2024
Value‑added disaggregated social accounting matrix for the Indian economy of the year 2007–2008
BDPJS Bandarlage
Journal of Economic Structures 6 (14), 1-20, 2017
Impact of Economic Growth on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions—Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Multiplier Analysis
BD Pal, VP Ojha, S Pohit, J Roy, BD Pal, VP Ojha, S Pohit, J Roy
GHG Emissions and Economic Growth: A Computable General Equilibrium Model …, 2015
Environmentally extended Social Accounting Matrix (ESAM) for climate change analysis in India
BD Pal, S Pohit, J Roy
Available at SSRN 2122951, 2012
Intensification of climate-smart agriculture technology in semi-arid regions of India
BD Pal, S Kapoor
CCAFS Working Paper, 2020
Impact of laser land levelling on food production and farmers’ income: evidence from drought prone semi-arid tropics in India
BD Pal, S Kapoor, S Saroj, ML Jat, Y Kumar, KH Anantha
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2020
Do improved agricultural practices boost farm productivity? the evidence from Karnataka, India
BD Pal, S Saroj
Agricultural Economics Research Review 32 (conf), 55-75, 2019
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Articles 1–20