Kasim Khan
Kasim Khan
Other namesKasim A Khan
Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
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Cited by
Solid-state polymer electrolytes with in-built fast interfacial transport for secondary lithium batteries
Q Zhao, X Liu, S Stalin, K Khan, LA Archer
Nature Energy 4 (5), 365-373, 2019
Monitoring carbon dioxide to quantify the risk of indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19
MZ Bazant, O Kodio, AE Cohen, K Khan, Z Gu, JWM Bush
Flow 1, E10, 2021
Stabilizing protic and aprotic liquid electrolytes at high-bandgap oxide interphases
Z Tu, MJ Zachman, S Choudhury, KA Khan, Q Zhao, LF Kourkoutis, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (16), 5655-5662, 2018
Synthesis and properties of poly-ether/ethylene carbonate electrolytes with high oxidative stability
K Khan, Z Tu, Q Zhao, C Zhao, LA Archer
Chemistry of Materials 31 (20), 8466-8472, 2019
COVID-19 indoor safety guideline
K Khan, JWM Bush, MZ Bazant
Dostopno na: https://indoor-covidsafety. herokuapp. com/(dostopljeno 25. 12 …, 2021
Monitoring Carbon Dioxide to Quantify the Risk of Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID-19.” medRxiv
MZ Bazant, O Kodio, AE Cohen, K Khan, Z Gu, JWM Bush
In situ formation of solid-state polymer electrolytes for batteries
LA Archer, Q Zhao, K Khan, X Liu
US Patent App. 17/420,595, 2022
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Articles 1–7