Bond market structure in the presence of marked point processes T Björk, Y Kabanov, W Runggaldier Mathematical Finance 7 (2), 211-239, 1997 | 463 | 1997 |
Markets with Transaction Costs Mathematical Theory Y Kabanov Springer, 2009 | 346 | 2009 |
Hedging and liquidation under transaction costs in currency markets YM Kabanov Finance and Stochastics 3, 237-248, 1999 | 299 | 1999 |
Towards a general theory of bond markets T Björk, G Di Masi, Y Kabanov, W Runggaldier Finance and Stochastics 1, 141-174, 1997 | 289 | 1997 |
Mean-variance hedging of options on stocks with Markov volatilities GB Di Masi, YM Kabanov, WJ Runggaldier Theory of Probability & Its Applications 39 (1), 172-182, 1995 | 285 | 1995 |
Louis Bachelier on the centenary of Théorie de la spéculation JM Courtault, Y Kabanov, B Bru, P Crépel, I Lebon, A Le Marchand Mathematical Finance 10 (3), 339-353, 2000 | 255 | 2000 |
Optional decomposition and Lagrange multipliers H Föllmer, YM Kabanov Finance and Stochastics 2 (1), 69-81, 1997 | 254 | 1997 |
Absolute continuity and singularity of locally absolutely continuous probability distributions. I JM Kabanov, RŠ Lipcer, AN Širjaev Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 35 (5), 631, 1979 | 233* | 1979 |
A teacher's note on no-arbitrage criteria Y Kabanov, C Stricker Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg 35, 149-152, 2001 | 184 | 2001 |
The capacity of a channel of the Poisson type YM Kabanov Theory of Probability & Its Applications 23 (1), 143-147, 1978 | 183 | 1978 |
In the insurance business risky investments are dangerous A Frolova, Y Kabanov, S Pergamenshchikov Finance and stochastics 6 (2), 227-235, 2002 | 180 | 2002 |
Toward the theory of pricing of options of both European and American types. I. Discrete time AN Shiryaev, YM Kabanov, OD Kramkov, AV Mel’nikov Theory of Probability & Its Applications 39 (1), 14-60, 1995 | 180* | 1995 |
On the optimal portfolio for the exponential utility maximization: remarks to the six‐author paper YM Kabanov, C Stricker Mathematical Finance 12 (2), 125-134, 2002 | 176 | 2002 |
Two-scale stochastic systems: asymptotic analysis and control Y Kabanov, S Pergamenshchikov Springer, 2003 | 170 | 2003 |
The Harrison–Pliska arbitrage pricing theorem under transaction costs YM Kabanov, C Stricker Journal of Mathematical Economics 35 (2), 185-196, 2001 | 151 | 2001 |
On the FTAP of Kreps-Delbaen-Schachermayer YM Kabanov Statistics and control of stochastic processes (Moscow, 1995/1996), 191-203, 1997 | 142 | 1997 |
On Leland's strategy of option pricing with transactions costs YM Kabanov, MM Safarian Finance and Stochastics 1, 239-250, 1997 | 138 | 1997 |
Large financial markets: asymptotic arbitrage and contiguity YM Kabanov, DO Kramkov Theory of Probability & Its Applications 39 (1), 182-187, 1995 | 136 | 1995 |
No-arbitrage criteria for financial markets with efficient friction Y Kabanov, M Rásonyi, C Stricker Finance and Stochastics 6, 371-382, 2002 | 131 | 2002 |
No-arbitrage and equivalent martingale measures: an elementary proof of the Harrison–Pliska theorem YM Kabanov, DO Kramkov Theory of Probability & Its Applications 39 (3), 523-527, 1995 | 122 | 1995 |