Hedge fund activism, corporate governance, and firm performance A Brav, W Jiang, F Partnoy, R Thomas The Journal of Finance 63 (4), 1729-1775, 2008 | 1862 | 2008 |
The Siskel and Ebert of financial markets: Two thumbs down for the credit rating agencies F Partnoy Wash. ulq 77, 619, 1999 | 977 | 1999 |
Business Organization and Finance Legal and Economic Principles WA Klein Foundation Press, 2010 | 724 | 2010 |
The promise and perils of credit derivatives F Partnoy, DA Skeel Jr U. Cin. L. Rev. 75, 1019, 2006 | 494 | 2006 |
Infectious Greed: How deceit and risk corrupted the Financial Markets F Partnoy Profile Books, 2010 | 487 | 2010 |
How and why credit rating agencies are not like other gatekeepers F Partnoy Brookings Institution Press and the Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research, 2006 | 421 | 2006 |
The paradox of credit ratings F Partnoy Ratings, rating agencies and the global financial system, 65-84, 2002 | 310 | 2002 |
Financial derivatives and the costs of regulatory arbitrage F Partnoy J. corP. l. 22, 211, 1996 | 253 | 1996 |
Encumbered shares S Martin, F Partnoy U. Ill. L. Rev., 775, 2005 | 252 | 2005 |
Barbarians at the Gatekeepers: A Proposal for a Modified Strict Liability Regime F Partnoy Wash. ULQ 79, 491, 2001 | 247 | 2001 |
Rethinking regulation of credit rating agencies: An institutional investor perspective F Partnoy Council of Institutional Investors, April, 09-014, 2009 | 235 | 2009 |
Credit default swap spreads as viable substitutes for credit ratings MJ Flannery, JF Houston, F Partnoy U. Pa. L. Rev. 158, 2085, 2009 | 225 | 2009 |
The Misuse of Tobin's q R Bartlett, F Partnoy Vand. L. Rev. 73, 353, 2020 | 133 | 2020 |
The second wave of hedge fund activism: The importance of reputation, clout, and expertise CNV Krishnan, F Partnoy, RS Thomas Journal of Corporate Finance 40, 296-314, 2016 | 132 | 2016 |
Why markets crash and what law can do about it F Partnoy U. Pitt. L. Rev. 61, 741, 1999 | 129 | 1999 |
The returns to hedge fund activism A Brav, W Jiang, F Partnoy, RS Thomas Financial Analysts Journal 64 (6), 45-61, 2008 | 119 | 2008 |
Corporations Law and Policy: Materials and Problems JD Bauman Thompson West, 2007 | 114 | 2007 |
FIASCO: blood in the water on Wall Street F Partnoy Profile Books, 2010 | 112 | 2010 |
Gap filling, hedge funds, and financial innovation F Partnoy, RS Thomas Brookings Institution Press, 2007 | 107 | 2007 |
Overdependence on credit ratings was a primary cause of the crisis F Partnoy The Panic of 2008, 2010 | 103 | 2010 |