Christine Grant
Cited by
Cited by
Systematically reviewing remote e-workers’ well-being at work: A multidimensional approach
M Charalampous, CA Grant, C Tramontano, E Michailidis
European journal of work and organizational psychology 28 (1), 51-73, 2019
An exploration of the psychological factors affecting remote e‐worker's job effectiveness, well‐being and work‐life balance
CA Grant, LM Wallace, PC Spurgeon
Employee relations 35 (5), 527-546, 2013
Construction and initial validation of the E-Work Life Scale to measure remote e-working
CA Grant, LM Wallace, PC Spurgeon, C Tramontano, M Charalampous
Employee Relations 41 (1), 16-33, 2019
Presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic: risks and solutions
G Kinman, C Grant
Occupational medicine 71 (6-7), 243-244, 2021
Development and validation of the e-Work Self-Efficacy Scale to assess digital competencies in remote working
C Tramontano, C Grant, C Clarke
Computers in human behavior reports 4, 100129, 2021
“It needs to be the right blend”: A qualitative exploration of remote e-workers’ experience and well-being at work
M Charalampous, CA Grant, C Tramontano
Employee Relations: The International Journal 44 (2), 335-355, 2021
Agile working and well-being in the digital age
C Grant, E Russell
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Getting the measure of remote e-working: a revision and further validation of the E-work life scale
M Charalampous, CA Grant, C Tramontano
Employee Relations: The International Journal 45 (1), 45-68, 2023
Working from home: healthy sustainable working during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
G Kinman, C Grant, J Fraser, N Bell, G Breslin, T Colville, R Kwiatowski, ...
British Psychological Society, 2020
Introduction to agile working and well-being in the digital age
E Russell, C Grant
Agile working and well-being in the digital age, 3-17, 2020
Digital resilience: A competency framework for agile workers
C Grant, C Clarke
Agile working and well-being in the digital age, 117-130, 2020
C Grant, C Quinones
E-Resilience Conference: Managing Technology across the Lifespan Conference …, 2016
Concepts, terms and measurement in agile working
C Grant
Agile Working and Well-Being in the Digital Age, 19-32, 2020
Invisible disabilities in education and employment
R Kelly, N Mutebi, D Ruttenberg, C Rivas, K Anand, A Moore, A Bateman, ...
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), 2023
The development of an'actionable'E-Work life scale with reference to self reported well-being and job effectiveness
C Grant, ML Wallace, P Spurgeon
Coventry University, 2011
Presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic-risk factors and solutions for employers
G Kinman, C Grant
Society of Occupational Medicine, 2021
The development of the e-work well-being scale and further validation of the e-work life scale
M Charalampous, CA Grant, C Tramontano
Coventry University, 2020
Managerial coaching as the foundation for building felt-trust and motivation among employees working remotely
L Burroughes, C Grant
International Coaching Psychology Review 18 (1), 45-57, 2023
Taking trauma related work home: Advice for reducing the likelihood of secondary trauma
N Tehrani, T Colville, J Fraser, G Breslin, B Waites, G Kinman
British Psychological Society, 2020
When the going gets tough: Adult resilience within an occupational setting
A Juman Blincoe, C Grant
Applying Occupational Psychology to the Fire Service: Emotion, Risk and …, 2019
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Articles 1–20