Fernando Rambla Barreno
Fernando Rambla Barreno
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Density by moduli and statistical convergence
A Aizpuru, MC Listán-García, F Rambla-Barreno
Quaestiones Mathematicae 37 (4), 525-530, 2014
Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás moduli of a Banach space
M Chica, V Kadets, M Martín, S Moreno-Pulido, F Rambla-Barreno
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 412 (2), 697-719, 2014
Double density by moduli and statistical convergence
A Aizpuru, M Listán-García, F Rambla-Barreno
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 19 (4), 663-673, 2012
Q-linear functions, functions with dense graph, and everywhere surjectivity
FJ García-Pacheco, F Rambla-Barreno, JB Seoane-Sepúlveda
Mathematica Scandinavica, 156-160, 2008
Rough convergence and Chebyshev centers in Banach spaces
MC Listán-García, F Rambla-Barreno
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 35 (4), 432-442, 2014
A remark about the Orlicz-Pettis theorem and the statistical convergence
A Aizpuru, M Nicasio-Llach, F Rambla-Barreno
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 26 (2), 305-310, 2010
Authoring of educational mobile apps for the mathematics-learning analysis
T Person, JM Mota, MC Listán, I Ruiz-Rube, JM Dodero, FR Barreno, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological …, 2018
A characterization of uniform rotundity in every direction in terms of rough convergence
MC Listán-García, F Rambla-Barreno
Numerical functional analysis and optimization 32 (11), 1166-1174, 2011
Phillips Lemma on effect algebras of sets
A Aizpuru, S Moreno-Pulido, F Rambla-Barreno
Mathematica Slovaca 63 (3), 639-646, 2013
Uniformly convex-transitive function spaces
F Rambla-Barreno, J Talponen
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 62 (1), 189-205, 2011
The fixed point property in JB∗-triples and preduals of JBW∗-triples
JB Guerrero, F Rambla-Barreno
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 360 (1), 254-264, 2009
Continuity properties of sequentially asymptotically center-complete spaces
C Angosto, MC Listán-García, F Rambla-Barreno
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie …, 2016
Problemas relacionados con la conjetura de Banach-Mazur
F Rambla-Barreno
Universidad de Cádiz, 2005
Non-Hilbert Banach spaces with the self-extension property
JB García-Gutiérrez, FJG Pacheco, P Piniella, F Rambla-Barreno
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.07826, 2019
Non-Hilbert Banach spaces with the self-extension property
J Bosco García-Gutiérrez, FJ García Pacheco, P Piniella, ...
arXiv, arXiv: 1911.07826, 2019
Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International School in Memory of Professor Antonio Aizpuru Tom s, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 8-12 …
F Rambla-Barreno
World Scientific, 2012
Linear or bilinear mappings between spaces of continuous or Lipschitz functions
F Rambla-Barreno
Advanced Courses Of Mathematical Analysis Iv-Proceedings Of The Fourth …, 2011
Continuity properties of sequentially asymptotically center-complete spaces
F Rambla-Barreno, C Angosto, M del Carmen Listán-García
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Articles 1–18