Yogendra Singh
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Cited by
Consumer Acceptance and Preferences Based On Environment Knowledge To Inform Remanufacturing End-of-Life Approach for Electric Vehicle Battery - A Scoping Review Study
O Okorie, Y Singh, NV Emodi
Lecture Notes on Mechanical Engineering, Springers, 2024
Reducing MRP nervousness with advance demand information
Y Singh, SM Disney
Mini-SPARK (September PhD Academic Reconnect & Kick-off) Conference, 2024
Unifying the dynamics of make-to-stock and make-to-order supply chains
Y Singh, SM Disney
16th International Society of Inventory Research 2023 Summer School, July …, 2023
Dynamic modelling of a manufacturer: A unified theory of make-to-order and make-to-stock supply chains
Y Singh, SM Disney
Operations and Analytics Workshop, Research Methods Center, University of …, 2023
Bullwhip effect, control theory, and value stream mapping: taxonomy and integration
Y Singh
University of Exeter, 2022
Moving-target traveling Salesman Problem applied to multiple rendezvous trajectories
Y Singh
Cranfield University, 2019
IT Solutions to Warehouse Design Approach for Cost Effective Operations
YVS Kumar, Y Singh
Transactions of Powder Metallurgy Association of India 40 (2), 87-98, 2014
Continuous Hot Isostatic Pressing - Design Configurations
YVS Kumar, Y Singh, B Nath
Transactions of Powder Metallurgy Association of India 40 (2), 50-60, 2014
An Integrated and Lean Approach to Warehouse Design by Optimization of Material Handling, Space and Labor Requirements
Y Singh, YVS Kumar
Transactions of Powder Metallurgy Association of India 39, 63-78, 2013
Computerized Design and Streamlining of Operations of Warehouse in PM Industry
YVS Kumar, Y Singh
Proceedings of ITC-AP - 2013, 2013
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Articles 1–10