Daniel Rees Lewis
Daniel Rees Lewis
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Cited by
Design-Based research process: Problems, phases, and applications
M Easterday, D Rees Lewis, E Gerber
Proc. of International Conference of Learning Sciences 14, 317-324, 2014
The logic of design research
MW Easterday, DG Rees Lewis, EM Gerber
Learning: Research and Practice 4 (2), 131-160, 2018
Opportunities for educational innovations in authentic project-based learning: understanding instructor perceived challenges to design for adoption
DG Rees Lewis, EM Gerber, SE Carlson, MW Easterday
Educational Technology Research and Development 67 (4), 953-982, 2019
Agile Research Studios: Orchestrating Communities of Practice to Advance Research Training at Scale
H Zhang, MW Easterday, E Gerber, D Rees Lewis, L Maliakal
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2017
The logic of the theoretical and practical products of design research
M Easterday, D Rees Lewis, E Gerber
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 32 (4), 125–144, 2016
Social innovation networks: A new approach to social design education and impact
MW Easterday, EM Gerber, DGR Lewis
Design Issues 34 (2), 64-76, 2018
The design risks framework: Understanding metacognition for iteration
SE Carlson, DGR Lewis, LV Maliakal, EM Gerber, MW Easterday
Design Studies 70, 100961, 2020
Planning to Iterate: Supporting Iterative Practices for Real-world Ill-structured Problem-solving
DG Rees Lewis, J Gorson, LV Maliakal, SE Carlson, EM Gerber, ...
International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2018
Building Support Tools to Connect Novice Designers with Professional Coaches
D Rees Lewis, E Harburg, E Gerber, M Easterday
2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 43-52, 2015
CheerOn: Facilitating Online Social Support for Novice Project-Based Learning Teams
E Harburg, D Rees Lewis, M Easterday, EM Gerber
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 25 (6), 32, 2018
Designing Crowdcritique Systems for Formative Feedback
MW Easterday, D Rees Lewis, EM Gerber
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1-41, 2016
The logic of effective iteration in design-based research
DR Lewis, S Carlson, C Riesbeck, K Lu, E Gerber, M Easterday
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2020
Overcoming Barriers Between Volunteer Professionals Advising Project-Based Learning Teams with Regulation Tools
D Rees Lewis, MW Easterday, E Harburg, EM Gerber, C Riesbeck
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2017
Computer supported novice group critique
MW Easterday, D Rees Lewis, C Fitzpatrick, EM Gerber
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 405-414, 2014
Defining and Assessing Risk Analysis: The Key to Strategic Iteration in Real-World Problem Solving
SE Carlson, LV Maliakal, DG Rees Lewis, J Gorson, EM Gerber, ...
International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2018
Challenges of peer instruction in an undergraduate student-led learning community: bi-directional diffusion as a crucial instructional process
SE Carlson, DG Rees Lewis, EM Gerber, MW Easterday
Instructional Science, 2018
An Emergent Understanding of Mentor Strategies for Career Development in Emerging Fields
G Umbelino, DR Lewis, E Gerber, M Easterday
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2021
Design-Based Research Process: Problems, Phases
EM Gerber, DR Lewis, MW Easterday
Applications. Northwestern. edu. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2014
Formative feedback in Digital Lofts: Learning environments for real world innovation.
MW Easterday, D Rees Lewis, E Gerber
Workshop at Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference., 2013
The premises of design research
MW Easterday, EM Gerber, DGR Lewis
The Learning Sciences in Conversation, 76-92, 2022
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Articles 1–20