Armando Reyes Serrato
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Studies of MoS2 structures produced by electron irradiation
M José‐Yacamán, H Lopez, P Santiago, DH Galvan, IL Garzon, A Reyes
Applied Physics Letters 69 (8), 1065-1067, 1996
Ab initio determination of the electronic structure of beryllium-, aluminum-, and magnesium-nitrides: A comparative study
MGM Armenta, A Reyes-Serrato, MA Borja
Physical Review B 62 (8), 4890, 2000
Beryllium nitride thin film grown by reactive laser ablation
G Soto, JA Dıaz, R Machorro, A Reyes-Serrato, W De la Cruz
Materials Letters 52 (1-2), 29-33, 2002
Ab initio Hartree-Fock study of structural and electronic properties of β- and β- compounds
A Reyes-Serrato, DH Galván, IL Garzón
Physical Review B 52 (9), 6293, 1995
Electronic structure of β-Be3N2
A Reyes-Serrato, G Soto, A Gamietea, MH Farias
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59 (5), 743-746, 1998
Extended Huckel tight-binding calculations of the electronic structure of and
DH Galván, NR Dilley, MB Maple, A Posada-Amarillas, A Reyes-Serrato, ...
Physical Review B 68 (11), 115110, 2003
First principles study on the formation of yttrium nitride in cubic and hexagonal phases
G Soto, MG Moreno-Armenta, A Reyes-Serrato
Computational materials science 42 (1), 8-13, 2008
Direct wide band gap material: a Hartree–Fock study of α-Be3N2
MGM Armanta, A Reyes-Serrato
Computational materials science 21 (1), 95-100, 2001
First-principles calculation of the band gap of Al xGa1-xN and In xGa1-x N
R Nunez-Gonzalez, A Reyes-Serrato, A Posada-Amarillas, DH Galván
Revista mexicana de física 54, 111-118, 2008
Amorphous magnesium nitride films produced by reactive pulsed laser deposition
G Soto, JA Díaz, W De la Cruz, A Reyes, EC Samano
Journal of non-crystalline solids 342 (1-3), 65-69, 2004
Study on the formation of rhenium borides by density functional calculations
G Soto, MG Moreno-Armenta, A Reyes-Serrato
Computational materials science 44 (2), 628-634, 2008
First principles calculations of interstitial and lamellar rhenium nitrides
G Soto, H Tiznado, A Reyes, W De La Cruz
Journal of alloys and compounds 514, 127-134, 2012
Psicología de la Salud en la atención a enfermos renales
A Reyes, H Otero, A Duque De Estrada, E Hernández, J Grau
Psicología de la Salud: fundamentos y aplicaciones, 507-536, 2005
Evaluation of rhenium carbide as a prospective material for hard coating
G Soto, H Tiznado, JA Díaz, EC Samano, A Reyes-Serrato
Thin Solid Films 519 (10), 3236-3241, 2011
Growth of beryllium nitride films by pulsed laser deposition; dielectric function determination
G Soto, R Machorro, JA Dı́az, W De la Cruz, A Reyes
Thin Solid Films 434 (1-2), 7-13, 2003
Synthesis of ReN3 Thin Films by Magnetron Sputtering
G Soto, H Tiznado, W de la Cruz, A Reyes
Journal of Materials 2014 (1), 745736, 2014
Epitaxial α-Be3N2 thin films grown on Si substrates by reactive laser ablation
G Soto, JA Dı́az, W De la Cruz, O Contreras, M Moreno, A Reyes
Materials Science and Engineering: B 94 (1), 62-65, 2002
Textile Functionalization Using LTA and FAU Zeolitic Materials
FN Murrieta-Rico, RI Yocupicio-Gaxiola, J Antúnez-García, ...
Polymers 15 (1), 99, 2022
Theoretical and Experimental Study of CaMgSi Thermoelectric Properties
JLA Ponce-Ruiz, S Ishizuka, Y Todaka, Y Yamada, AR Serrato, ...
ACS omega 7 (18), 15451-15458, 2022
Effect of silver in Y1Ba2Cu3O7−x samples
DH Galván, M Avalos-Borja, MH Farias, L Cota-Araiza, A Reyes, ...
Journal of materials science 29, 2713-2718, 1994
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Articles 1–20