Mette Lausten
Mette Lausten
Senior Researcher, VIVE - The Danish Center for Social Science Research
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CEO turnover, firm performance and corporate governance: empirical evidence on Danish firms
M Lausten
International Journal of industrial organization 20 (3), 391-414, 2002
Therapeutic residential care for children and youth: A consensus statement of the international work group on therapeutic residential care
JK Whittaker, L Holmes, JF del Valle, F Ainsworth, T Andreassen, J Anglin, ...
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 33 (2), 89-106, 2016
Fathers' leave, fathers' involvement and child development: Are they related? Evidence from four OECD countries
M del Carmen Huerta, W Adema, J Baxter, WJ Han, M Lausten, RH Lee, ...
OECD, 2013
Therapeutic residential care for children and youth: Developing evidence-based international practice
H Grietens, E Knorth, R Barth, M Cummings, M Stein, M Courtney, ...
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014
Prevalence of mental health problems among children placed in out‐of‐home care in Denmark
T Egelund, M Lausten
Child & Family Social Work 14 (2), 156-165, 2009
Fathers' leave and fathers' involvement: Evidence from four OECD countries
MC Huerta, W Adema, J Baxter, WJ Han, M Lausten, RH Lee, J Waldfogel
European Journal of Social Security 16 (4), 308-346, 2014
Børn og unge i Danmark: velfærd og trivsel 2014
MH Ottosen
SFI-Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd, 2014
Anbragte 15-åriges hverdagsliv og udfordringer
M Lausten, D Andersen, PR Skov, AA Nielsen
Rapport fra tredje dataindsamling af forløbsundersøgeslen af anbragte børn …, 7
Anbragte børns udvikling og vilkår
T Egelund, D Andersen, AD Hestbæk, M Lausten, L Knudsen, RF Olsen, ...
København: SFI–Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd 8, 23, 2008
Time and money: A simultaneous analysis of men’s and women’s domain satisfactions
J Bonke, M Deding, M Lausten
Journal of Happiness Studies 10, 113-131, 2009
Managerial pay and firm performance—Danish evidence
T Eriksson, M Lausten
Scandinavian Journal of Management 16 (3), 269-286, 2000
Intra‐Household Specialization in Housework in the United States and Denmark*
J Bonke, M Deding, M Lausten, LS Stratton
Social Science Quarterly 89 (4), 1023-1043, 2008
Do you love me? An empirical analysis of the feeling of love amongst children in out-of-home care
M Lausten, S Frederiksen
International Journal of Social Pedagogy 5 (1), 90-103, 2016
Early school leaving by children in out-of-home care: A comparative study of three Nordic countries
A Kääriälä, M Berlin, M Lausten, H Hiilamo, T Ristikari
Children and Youth Services Review 93, 186-195, 2018
Børnefamiliernes balance mellem familie-og arbejdsliv
M Deding, M Lausten, A Andersen
Socialforskningsinstituttet, 2006
Børn og unge i Danmark
MH Ottosen, AG Andreasen, KM Dahl, A Hestbæk, M Lausten, SB Rayce
Velfærd og Trivsel. VIVE-Det National Forskningsog Analysecenter for …, 2018
Choosing between his time and her time? Paid and unpaid work of Danish couples
M Deding, M Lausten
Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 3 (1), 28-48, 2006
The effect of low birth weight on height, weight and behavioral outcomes in the medium-run
ND Gupta, M Deding, M Lausten
Economics & Human Biology 11 (1), 42-55, 2013
Tidligere anbragte som unge voksne
RF Olsen, T Egelund, M Lausten
SFI-Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd, 2011
Hvad kvinder og mænd bruger tiden til: om tidsmæssig ligestilling i danske familier
M Lausten, K Sjørup
Socialforskningsinstituttet, 2003
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Articles 1–20