Robert A. Weller
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Diurnal cycling: Observations and models of the upper ocean response to diurnal heating, cooling, and wind mixing
JF Price, RA Weller, R Pinkel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 91 (C7), 8411-8427, 1986
Objectively analyzed air–sea heat fluxes for the global ice-free oceans (1981–2005)
L Yu, RA Weller
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88 (4), 527-540, 2007
Multidecade Global Flux Datasets from the Objectively Analyzed Air-sea Fluxes (OAFlux) Project: Latent and sensible heat fluxes, ocean evaporation, and related surface …
X Jin, RA Weller
OAFlux. Barnstable Town: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2008
On the exchange of momentum over the open ocean
JB Edson, V Jampana, RA Weller, SP Bigorre, AJ Plueddemann, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 43 (8), 1589-1610, 2013
Surface meteorology and air-sea fluxes in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool during the TOGA Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment
RA Weller, SP Anderson
Journal of Climate 9 (8), 1959-1990, 1996
Surface irradiances consistent with CERES-derived top-of-atmosphere shortwave and longwave irradiances
S Kato, NG Loeb, FG Rose, DR Doelling, DA Rutan, TE Caldwell, L Yu, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (9), 2719-2740, 2013
The EPIC 2001 stratocumulus study
CS Bretherton, T Uttal, CW Fairall, SE Yuter, RA Weller, D Baumgardner, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (7), 967-978, 2004
The VAMOS ocean-cloud-atmosphere-land study regional experiment (VOCALS-REx): Goals, platforms, and field operations
R Wood, CR Mechoso, CS Bretherton, RA Weller, B Huebert, F Straneo, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (2), 627-654, 2011
Surface buoyancy forcing and the mixed layer of the western Pacific warm pool: Observations and 1D model results
SP Anderson, RA Weller, RB Lukas
Journal of Climate 9 (12), 3056-3085, 1996
Wind-driven ocean currents and Ekman transport
JF Price, RA Weller, RR Schudlich
Science 238 (4833), 1534-1538, 1987
Atmospheric forcing in the Arabian Sea during 1994–1995: Observations and comparisons with climatology and models
RA Weller, MF Baumgartner, SA Josey, AS Fischer, JC Kindle
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 45 (10-11), 1961-1999, 1998
Global observing needs in the deep ocean
LA Levin, BJ Bett, AR Gates, P Heimbach, BM Howe, F Janssen, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 241, 2019
Langmuir circulation within the oceanic mixed layer
RA Weller, JF Price
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 35 (5), 711-747, 1988
Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: A new international ocean observing system
MS Lozier, S Bacon, AS Bower, SA Cunningham, MF de Jong, L de Steur, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (4), 737-752, 2017
State of the Climate in 2018
J Blunden, DS Arndt
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (9), Si-S306, 2019
The coupled boundary layers and air–sea transfer experiment in low winds
J Edson, T Crawford, J Crescenti, T Farrar, N Frew, G Gerbi, C Helmis, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88 (3), 341-356, 2007
Large diurnal sea surface temperature variability: Satellite and in situ measurements
L Stramma, P Cornillon, RA Weller, JF Price, MG Briscoe
Journal of Physical Oceanography 16 (5), 827-837, 1986
A vector measuring current meter
RA Weller, RE Davis
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 27 (7), 565-581, 1980
Air-sea fluxes with a focus on heat and momentum
MF Cronin, CL Gentemann, J Edson, I Ueki, M Bourassa, S Brown, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 430, 2019
The relation of near-inertial motions observed in the mixed layer during the JASIN (1978) experiment to the local wind stress and to the quasi-geostrophic flow field
RA Weller
Journal of Physical Oceanography 12 (10), 1122-1136, 1982
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Articles 1–20