Anton Villado
Cited by
Cited by
Getting specific about demographic diversity variable and team performance relationships: A meta-analysis
ST Bell, AJ Villado, MA Lukasik, L Belau, AL Briggs
Journal of management 37 (3), 709-743, 2011
The use of person-organization fit in employment decision making: An assessment of its criterion-related validity.
W Arthur Jr, ST Bell, AJ Villado, D Doverspike
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (4), 786, 2006
The importance of distinguishing between constructs and methods when comparing predictors in personnel selection research and practice.
W Arthur Jr, AJ Villado
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (2), 435, 2008
The magnitude and extent of cheating and response distortion effects on unproctored internet‐based tests of cognitive ability and personality
W Arthur Jr, RM Glaze, AJ Villado, JE Taylor
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 18 (1), 1-16, 2010
The comparative effect of subjective and objective after-action reviews on team performance on a complex task.
AJ Villado, W Arthur Jr
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (3), 514, 2013
Team task analysis: Identifying tasks and jobs that are team based
W Arthur Jr, BD Edwards, ST Bell, AJ Villado, W Bennett Jr
Human Factors 47 (3), 654-669, 2005
Unproctored Internet-based tests of cognitive ability and personality: Magnitude of cheating and response distortion
W Arthur Jr, RM Glaze, AJ Villado, JE Taylor
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2 (1), 39-45, 2009
The effect of distributed practice on immediate posttraining, and long-term performance on a complex command-and-control simulation task
W Arthur Jr, EA Day, AJ Villado, PR Boatman, V Kowollik, W Bennett Jr, ...
Human Performance 23 (5), 428-445, 2010
Multiple routes to mind wandering: Predicting mind wandering with resource theories
JG Randall, ME Beier, AJ Villado
Consciousness and cognition 67, 26-43, 2019
Team task analysis: Differentiating between tasks using team relatedness and team workflow as metrics of team task interdependence
W Arthur Jr, RM Glaze, A Bhupatkar, AJ Villado, W Bennett Jr, LJ Rowe
Human Factors 54 (2), 277-295, 2012
The effect of method characteristics on retest score gains and criterion-related validity
AJ Villado, JG Randall, CU Zimmer
Journal of Business and Psychology 31, 233-248, 2016
Take two: Sources and deterrents of score change in employment retesting
JG Randall, AJ Villado
Human Resource Management Review 27 (3), 536-553, 2017
Decay, transfer, and the reacquisition of a complex skill: An investigation of practice schedules, observational rehearsal, and individual differences
W Arthur, EA Day, AJ Villado, PR Boatman, V Kowollik, W Bennett, ...
Air Force Research Laboratory, 2007
Weight discrimination in helping behavior
JG Randall, CU Zimmer, KR O’Brien, RCE Trump-Steele, AJ Villado, ...
European Review of Applied Psychology 67 (3), 125-137, 2017
Complex command-and-control simulation task performance following periods of nonuse
AJ Villado, EA Day, W Arthur, PR Boatman, V Kowollik, A Bhupatkar, ...
Individual and team skill decay, 53-67, 2013
Introducing a subject matter expert–based utility analysis approach to assessing the utility of organizational interventions such as crew resource management training
W Arthur Jr, TB Kyte, AJ Villado, CA Morgan, SS Roop
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 21 (2), 191-215, 2011
Innovations in team task analysis: Identifying team-based task elements, tasks, and jobs
W Arthur Jr, AJ Villado, W Bennett Jr
The Handbook of Work Analysis, 661-681, 2013
Job knowledge: Its definition, development and measurement
ME Beier, CK Young, AJ Villado
The SAGE handbook of industrial, work & organizational psychology: Personnel …, 2018
The after-action review training approach: An integrative framework and empirical investigation
AJ Villado
Texas A&M University, 2008
Big Five traits: Predictors of retesting propensity and score improvement
LG Barron, JG Randall, JD Trent, JF Johnson, AJ Villado
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 25 (2), 138-148, 2017
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Articles 1–20