Ryan D. Zimmerman
Ryan D. Zimmerman
Associate Professor of Management (retired)
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Consequences of individuals' fit at work: A meta-analysis of person-job, person-organization, person-group, and person-supervisor fit
AL Kristof‐Brown, RD Zimmerman, EC Johnson
Personnel Psychology 58 (2), 281-342, 2005
Born to burnout: A meta-analytic path model of personality, job burnout, and work outcomes
BW Swider, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Vocational Behavior 76 (3), 487-506, 2010
Understanding the impact of personality traits on individuals’ turnover decisions: A meta-analytic path model
RD Zimmerman
Personnel Psychology 61 (2), 309-348, 2008
The impact of job performance on employee turnover intentions and the voluntary turnover process: A meta-analysis and path model
RD Zimmerman, TC Darnold
Personnel Review 38 (2), 142-158, 2009
Communication technology: Pros and cons of constant connection to work
I Diaz, DS Chiaburu, RD Zimmerman, WR Boswell
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (2), 500-508, 2012
A review and meta-analysis of the nomological network of trainee reactions
T Sitzmann, KG Brown, WJ Casper, K Ely, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (2), 280-295, 2008
Reducing voluntary, avoidable turnover through selection
MR Barrick, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (1), 159-166, 2005
Employee job search toward an understanding of search context and search objectives
WR Boswell, RD Zimmerman, BW Swider
Journal of Management 38 (1), 129-163, 2012
Examining the job search–turnover relationship: The role of embeddedness, job satisfaction, and available alternatives
BW Swider, WR Boswell, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (2), 432-441, 2011
Hiring for retention and performance
MR Barrick, RD Zimmerman
Human Resource Management 48 (2), 183-206, 2009
Searching for the right fit: Development of applicant person-organization fit perceptions during the recruitment process
BW Swider, RD Zimmerman, MR Barrick
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (3), 880-893, 2015
A counterintuitive hypothesis about employment interview validity and some supporting evidence
FL Schmidt, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (3), 553-561, 2004
Relative importance of leader influences for subordinates’ proactive behaviors, prosocial behaviors, and task performance
DS Chiaburu, TA Smith, J Wang, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Personnel Psychology 13 (2), 70-86, 2014
Retaining the productive employee: The role of personality
N Li, MR Barrick, RD Zimmerman, DS Chiaburu
The Academy of Management Annals 8 (1), 347-395, 2014
Explaining the pathways between approach-avoidance personality traits and employees’ job search behavior
RD Zimmerman, WR Boswell, AJ Shipp, BB Dunford, JW Boudreau
Journal of Management 38 (5), 1450-1475, 2012
Who withdraws? Psychological individual differences and employee withdrawal behaviors
RD Zimmerman, BW Swider, SE Woo, DG Allen
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (4), 498-519, 2016
Synthesizing content models of employee turnover
RD Zimmerman, BW Swider, WR Boswell
Human Resource Management 58 (1), 99-114, 2019
Predictive criterion-related validity of observer ratings of personality and job-related competencies using multiple raters and multiple performance criteria
RD Zimmerman, MC Triana, MR Barrick
Human Performance 23 (4), 361-378, 2010
Plugged in or disconnected? A model of the effects of technological factors on employee job embeddedness
SD Charlier, RP Guay, RD Zimmerman
Human Resource Management 55 (1), 109-126, 2016
Does turnover destination matter? Differentiating antecedents of occupational change versus organizational change
RD Zimmerman, BW Swider, JB Arthur
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2020
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