Marilyn A. Uy
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Cited by
How do feelings influence effort? An empirical study of entrepreneurs’ affect and venture effort
MD Foo, MA Uy, RA Baron
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (4), 1086, 2009
Joint effects of prior start-up experience and coping strategies on entrepreneurs’ psychological well-being
MA Uy, MD Foo, Z Song
Journal of Business Venturing, 583-597, 2013
Using experience sampling methodology to advance entrepreneurship theory and research
MA Uy, MD Foo, H Aguinis
Organizational Research Methods 13 (1), 31-54, 2010
Mood spillover and crossover among dual-earner couples: A cell phone event sampling study
Z Song, MD Foo, MA Uy
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (2), 443, 2008
Proactivity, adaptability and boundaryless career attitudes: The mediating role of entrepreneurial alertness
MA Uy, KY Chan, YL Sam, MR Ho, OS Chernyshenko
Journal of Vocational Behavior 86, 115-123, 2015
Boosting and sustaining passion: A long-term perspective on the effects of entrepreneurship training
MM Gielnik, MA Uy, R Funken, KM Bischoff
Journal of Business Venturing 32 (3), 334-353, 2017
The body and the brain: Measuring skin conductance responses to understand the emotional experience
GI Christopoulos, MA Uy, WJ Yap
Organizational Research Methods 22 (1), 394-420, 2019
Is it better to give or receive? The role of help in buffering the depleting effects of surface acting
MA Uy, KJ Lin, R Ilies
Academy of Management Journal 60 (4), 1442-1461, 2017
Unraveling the daily stress crossover between unemployed individuals and their employed spouses
Z Song, MD Foo, MA Uy, S Sun
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (1), 151, 2011
Entrepreneurship, professionalism, leadership: A framework and measure for understanding boundaryless careers
KY Chan, RH Moon-ho, OS Chernyshenko, O Bedford, MA Uy, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 81 (1), 73-88, 2012
Affect spin, entrepreneurs' well-being, and venture goal progress: The moderating role of goal orientation
MA Uy, S Sun, MD Foo
Journal of Business Venturing 32 (4), 443-460, 2017
Perceived progress variability and entrepreneurial effort intensity: The moderating role of venture goal commitment
MA Uy, MD Foo, R Ilies
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (3), 375-389, 2015
Personality and entrepreneurial, professional and leadership motivations
KY Chan, MA Uy, OS Chernyshenko, MHR Ho, YL Sam
Personality and Individual Differences 77, 161-166, 2015
Impact of entrepreneurship training on entrepreneurial efficacy and alertness among adolescent youth
MHR Ho, MA Uy, BNY Kang, KY Chan
Frontiers in Education 3, 13, 2018
Beyond affective valence: Untangling valence and activation influences on opportunity identification
MD Foo, MA Uy, CY Murnieks
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39 (2), 407-431, 2015
Comparing two career adaptability measures for career construction theory: Relations with boundaryless mindset and protean career attitudes
KY Chan, MA Uy, RH Moon-ho, YL Sam, OS Chernyshenko, KYT Yu
Journal of Vocational Behavior 87, 22-31, 2015
Daily job search and psychological distress: Evidence from China
Z Song, MA Uy, S Zhang, K Shi
Human Relations 62 (8), 1171-1197, 2009
Who wants to be an intrapreneur? Relations between employees’ Entrepreneurial, Professional and Leadership career motivations and intrapreneurial motivation in organizations
K Chan, MHR Ho, JC Kennedy, MA Uy, NYB Kang, O Chernyshenko, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2041, 2017
When passions collide: Passion convergence in entrepreneurial teams
MA Uy, GH Jacob, MM Gielnik, M Frese, T Antonio, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (6), 902-920, 2021
Feel the commitment: From situational emotional information to venture goal commitment
T Treffers, K Klyver, MS Nielsen, MA Uy
International Small Business Journal 37 (3), 215-240, 2019
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Articles 1–20