Discrete bids and empirical inference in divisible good auctions J Kastl The Review of Economic Studies 78 (3), 974-1014, 2011 | 243 | 2011 |
The 2007 Subprime Market Crisis through the Lens of European Central Bank Auctions for Short-Term Funds N Cassola, A Hortaçsu, K Jakub Econometrica 81 (4), 1309-1345, 2013 | 195* | 2013 |
Valuing dealers’ informational advantage: A study of Canadian treasury auctions’ A Hortaçsu, J Kastl Econometrica, 2012 | 187* | 2012 |
Bid shading and bidder surplus in the us treasury auction system A Hortaçsu, J Kastl, A Zhang American Economic Review 108 (1), 147-169, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
On the properties of equilibria in private value divisible good auctions with constrained bidding J Kastl Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2012 | 109* | 2012 |
The value of time: Evidence from auctioned cab rides N Buchholz, L Doval, J Kastl, F Matějka, T Salz National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020 | 77 | 2020 |
An empirical analysis of funding costs spillovers in the euro-zone with application to systemic risk P Bonaldi, A Hortaçsu, J Kastl National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015 | 65* | 2015 |
Delegation, Ownership Concentration and R & D Spending: Evidence From I taly J Kastl, D Martimort, S Piccolo The Journal of Industrial Economics 61 (1), 84-107, 2013 | 56* | 2013 |
Crisis management in Canada: Analyzing default risk and liquidity demand during financial stress J Allen, A Hortaçsu, J Kastl American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 13 (2), 243-275, 2021 | 32* | 2021 |
Selling information to competitive firms J Kastl, M Pagnozzi, S Piccolo The RAND Journal of Economics 49 (1), 254-282, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Recent advances in empirical analysis of financial markets: Industrial organization meets finance J Kastl Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Eleventh World Congress 2, 231-270, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
The industrial organization of financial markets R Clark, JF Houde, J Kastl Handbook of Industrial Organization 5 (1), 427-520, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Estimating demand systems for Treasuries J Allen, J Kastl, M Wittwer Working paper, 2020 | 26* | 2020 |
Wily welfare capitalist: Werner von Siemens and the pension plan J Kastl, L Moore Cliometrica 4 (3), 321-348, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
“When Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade?”: New Insights from Asymmetric Information when Supply Chains Compete J Kastl, D Martimort, S Piccolo Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 20 (3), 649-677, 2011 | 19* | 2011 |
Auctions in financial markets J Kastl International Journal of Industrial Organization 70, 102559, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Dealer balance sheets and bidding behavior in the UK QE reverse auctions L Boneva, J Kastl, F Zikes Working paper, Bank of England, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Quantifying Delay Externalities in Airline Networks L Dou, J Kastl, J Lazarev Princeton University. Economics Department. Working Papers, 2020 | 3* | 2020 |
Revisiting Cap-and-Trade in Presence of Publicly Owned Polluters: The Case of Italy 2006-2018 B Baranek, F Boffa, J Kastl CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP15989, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Liquidity Auctions, Fixed Rate Tenders and Bailouts in the EURO Zone N Cassola, A HortaÃ, J Kastl Princeton University. Economics Department. Working Papers, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |