Issay Narumi
Issay Narumi
Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Toyo University
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PprI: a general switch responsible for extreme radioresistance of Deinococcus radiodurans
Y Hua, I Narumi, G Gao, B Tian, K Satoh, S Kitayama, B Shen
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 306 (2), 354-360, 2003
PprA: a novel protein from Deinococcus radiodurans that stimulates DNA ligation
I Narumi, K Satoh, S Cui, T Funayama, S Kitayama, H Watanabe
Molecular microbiology 54 (1), 278-285, 2004
The LexA Protein from Deinococcus radiodurans Is Not Involved in RecA Induction following γ Irradiation
I Narumi, K Satoh, M Kikuchi, T Funayama, T Yanagisawa, Y Kobayashi, ...
Journal of bacteriology 183 (23), 6951-6956, 2001
Metabolic profiling and cytological analysis of proanthocyanidins in immature seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana flavonoid accumulation mutants
S Kitamura, F Matsuda, T Tohge, K Yonekura‐Sakakibara, M Yamazaki, ...
The Plant Journal 62 (4), 549-559, 2010
Identification and disruption analysis of the recN gene in the extremely radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans
T Funayama, I Narumi, M Kikuchi, S Kitayama, H Watanabe, K Yamamoto
Mutation Research/DNA Repair 435 (2), 151-161, 1999
Molecular characterization of an anthocyanin-related glutathione S-transferase gene in cyclamen
S Kitamura, Y Akita, H Ishizaka, I Narumi, A Tanaka
Journal of plant physiology 169 (6), 636-642, 2012
DNA damage and survival time course of deinococcal cell pellets during 3 years of exposure to outer space
Y Kawaguchi, M Shibuya, I Kinoshita, J Yatabe, I Narumi, H Shibata, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 2050, 2020
Unlocking radiation resistance mechanisms: still a long way to go
I Narumi
TRENDS in Microbiology 11 (9), 422-425, 2003
Characterization of Pathways Dependent on the uvsE, uvrA1, or uvrA2 Gene Product for UV Resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans
M Tanaka, I Narumi, T Funayama, M Kikuchi, H Watanabe, T Matsunaga, ...
Journal of bacteriology 187 (11), 3693-3697, 2005
Deinococcus aetherius sp. nov., isolated from the stratosphere
Y Yang, T Itoh, S Yokobori, H Shimada, S Itahashi, K Satoh, H Ohba, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 60 (4 …, 2010
The Possible Interplanetary Transfer of Microbes: Assessing the Viability of Deinococcus spp. Under the ISS Environmental Conditions for Performing Exposure …
Y Kawaguchi, Y Yang, N Kawashiri, K Shiraishi, M Takasu, I Narumi, ...
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 43, 411-428, 2013
Deinococcus aerius sp. nov., isolated from the high atmosphere
Y Yang, T Itoh, S Yokobori, S Itahashi, H Shimada, K Satoh, H Ohba, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 59 (8 …, 2009
Limited concentration of RecA delays DNA double‐strand break repair in Deinococcus radiodurans R1
E Jolivet, F Lecointe, G Coste, K Satoh, I Narumi, A Bailone, S Sommer
Molecular microbiology 59 (1), 338-349, 2006
Genetic Characterization of Mutants Resistant to the Antiauxin p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric Acid Reveals That AAR3, a Gene Encoding a DCN1-Like Protein …
KK Biswas, C Ooura, K Higuchi, Y Miyazaki, V Van Nguyen, A Rahman, ...
Plant Physiology 145 (3), 773-785, 2007
Isolation and characterization of the fragrant cyclamen O-methyltransferase involved in flower coloration
Y Akita, S Kitamura, Y Hase, I Narumi, H Ishizaka, E Kondo, N Kameari, ...
Planta 234, 1127-1136, 2011
Efficient induction of flower-color mutants by ion beam irradiation in petunia seedlings treated with high sucrose concentration
Y Hase, M Okamura, D Takeshita, I Narumi, A Tanaka
Plant Biotechnology 27 (1), 99-103, 2010
The Deinococcus radiodurans uvrA gene: identification of mutation sites in two mitomycin-sensitive strains and the first discovery of insertion sequence element from deinobacteria
I Narumi, K Cherdchu, S Kitayama, H Watanabe
Gene 198 (1-2), 115-126, 1997
The radiation responsive promoter of the Deinococcus radiodurans pprA gene
H Ohba, K Satoh, T Yanagisawa, I Narumi
Gene 363, 133-141, 2005
Characterization of monofunctional catalase KatA from radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans
I Kobayashi, T Tamura, H Sghaier, I Narumi, S Yamaguchi, K Umeda, ...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 101 (4), 315-321, 2006
Development of an efficient mutagenesis technique using ion beams: Toward more controlled mutation breeding
Y Hase, Y Akita, S Kitamura, I Narumi, A Tanaka
Plant Biotechnology 29 (3), 193-200, 2012
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Articles 1–20