Juan Miguel Marin
Juan Miguel Marin
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A multivariate generalization of the power exponential family of distributions
E Gómez, MA Gomez-Viilegas, JM Marín
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 27 (3), 589-600, 1998
Multivariate exponential power distributions as mixtures of normal distributions with Bayesian applications
E Gómez-Sánchez-Manzano, MA Gómez-Villegas, JM Marín
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 37 (6), 972-985, 2008
Using weibull mixture distributions to model heterogeneous survival data
JM Marin, MT Rodriguez-Bernal, MP Wiper
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 34 (3), 673-684, 2005
A survey on continuous elliptical vector distributions
E Gómez, MA Gómez-Villegas, JM Marín
Revista matemática complutense 16 (1), 345-361, 2003
Effect of the competitive growth of Lactobacillus sakei MN on the growth kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A in model meat gravy
EJ Quinto, JM Marín, DW Schaffner
Food Control 63, 34-45, 2016
A generalized mixed model for skewed distributions applied to small area estimation
M Graf, JM Marín, I Molina
Test 28, 565-597, 2019
Sequences of elliptical distributions and mixtures of normal distributions
E Gómez-Sánchez-Manzano, MA Gómez-Villegas, JM Marín
Journal of multivariate analysis 97 (2), 295-310, 2006
Bayesian software reliability prediction using software metrics information
MP Wiper, AP Palacios, JM Marín
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 9 (1), 35-44, 2012
Validación cultural y lingüística en castellano del baremo internacional de síntomas prostáticos (IPSS)
R Vela, JM Martín, J Calahorra, J Damián, A Hernández, P Boyle
Act Urol Esp 18, 841-7, 1994
Minimum distance estimation of mutational parameters for quantitative traits
A García-Dorado, JM Marin
Biometrics, 1097-1114, 1998
A bootstrap likelihood approach to Bayesian computation
W Zhu, JM Marin, F Leisen
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 58 (2), 227-244, 2016
Análisis de regresión lineal: El procedimiento Regresión lineal
JM Marín
Guía Para El Análisis de Datos En SPSS, 2013
Bayesian modeling of two-and three-species bacterial competition in milk
EJ Quinto, JM Marín, I Caro, J Mateo, DW Schaffner
Food Research International 105, 952-961, 2018
A matrix variate generalization of the power exponential family of distributions
EG Sánchez-Manzano, MA Gomez-Villegas, JM Marín-Diazaraque
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 31 (12), 2167-2182, 2002
Introducción a las redes neuronales aplicadas
JM Marín
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2012
Forecasting for some stochastic process models related to sow farm management
JM Marín, LM Plà, D Ríos-Insua
Journal of Applied Statistics 32 (8), 797-812, 2005
Data cloning estimation of GARCH and COGARCH models
JM Marín, MT Rodríguez-Bernal, E Romero
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (9), 1818-1831, 2015
Análisis de componentes principales
JM Marín
Madrid: Publicaciones Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2008
Bayesian modeling of bacterial growth for multiple populations
AP Palacios, JM Marín, EJ Quinto, MP Wiper
Modelling Growth and Decline in a Two-Species Model System: Pathogenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Psychrotrophic Spoilage Bacteria in Milk
EJ Quinto, JM Marín, I Caro, J Mateo, DW Schaffner
Foods 9 (3), 331, 2020
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Articles 1–20